With each progressing day, the burning daze of this summer sun takes a further overture as it moves ahead. And, each day torments us like a bully that forces us to remain inactive, unmotivated-- we are forced to sit back within our offices and our homes where we are expected to stay put within the comfortable premises of an air conditioned room.

Even though these artificial environmental coolers appear as ideal companions (probably more important than any other relation at this point), these cannot be made available everywhere and, surely cannot help us stay fit while preparing our body remain calm under the effect of this heat.

Yoga has the ideal outlet to all your summer hives. It has specific asanas, pranayamas and, other techniques that can help you beat the heat of this weather while keeping you mentally and physically fit. Let us take a peek into some of the best postures for an ideal yoga practice in summer season:

Tadasana or the Mountain Pose


  • Stand on the ground with feet 5-6 inches apart.
  • Inhale and raise your arms upwards while interlocking your fingers.
  • Try to stand on your toes while maintaining slow and composed breathing.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly. Count up to 5 breaths before reaching back to initial position.

Anjaneyasana or the Low Lunge Pose


  • Stand in downward-facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Slowly exhale while placing the right foot forward.
  • Slip the left leg back and bend the left knee downwards till it touches the floor.
  • Inhale. Lift your head towards the ceiling. Lift your arms while keeping your fingers locked – stretching upwards.
  • Exhale as you come back to initial position.

Vrksasana or the Tree Pose


  • Stand straight with your feet touching each other.
  • Now, slowly lift your left leg and bend in inwards so that the sole of left foot touches the right inner thigh. Balance yourself completely on your right foot.
  • Life your arms and stretch them above the head. Join both the palm together in Namaste.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly up to 5 breaths.
  • Reach back into the initial position before commencing the pose with other leg.

Baddha Konasana or the Butterfly Pose


  • Sit straight on the floor with a straight spine. Now, bend your knees by bringing feet to touch each other. Try to touch the soles of your feet with each other.
  • Hold your feet tightly with your hands.
  • Inhale deeply. While exhaling press the thighs and knees downward toward the floor by pressing your elbows on thighs or on the knees.
  • Keep breathing normally and start flapping like a butterfly by bringing thighs up and down slowly.

Shavasana or the Corpse Pose


  • Lie flat on your back, legs apart.
  • Keep your arms comfortably on your respective sides. Relax.
  • Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly through the nostrils.
  • Start concentrating and relaxing from your head to your feet while remaining immobile.
  • Breathe slowly and smoothly. Remain in this state for 3 – 5 minutes.
  • Slowly open your eyes.

Sheetali Pranayama Yoga


  • Sit comfortably in any meditative pose like Padmasana, Vajrasana, etc.
  • Now bring your tongue all the way out and fold both sides of tongue like a tube by curling its lateral edges. (if you are unable to roll the tongue then you may try its alternate version ‘Sheetkari’ Pranayama)
  • Inhale completely and apply Jalandhar Banda for up to 6 seconds.
  • Now, lift your chin and release the bandha to let the air pass through your left nostril.
  • Repeat this for up to 5 times utilizing alternate nostrils for each exhalation.

It is advised that you always end your yoga practice with Sheetali Yoga or Sheetkari Yoga for providing the best cool-off to your body before setting out for the day. Include the above asanas as an essential part of your yoga practice during this heat and, remain just as calm, healthy and fit throughout the season.

Author's Bio: 

Manmohan Singh is a freelance writer Manmohan lets his free spirit flow with his thoughts as he pens them down in his writings. He loves traveling and believes that ‘knowledge shared is knowledge gained.’