By exploring the following points and answering the questions, you will gain clarity on who you are and what type of career would suit you the most.

1) Your True Nature
Who are you at your core? Uncover the natural talents that you were born with. What comes easy for you? What can you naturally do well? This is something we overlook very easily but if you were to ask a friend or family member, they would be able to tell you with no hesitation. There are also online sites where you can learn about personality types that can reaffirm your unique nature.

2) Skills-Past Experiences
What skills do you have? What are you good at? What can you do well and effectively? Your skills are formed through your past experiences? Review the roles you have had and identify what got you the best results.

3) Passion-Interests
What do you like and enjoy? What is your true passion? Is there anything you always loved doing? Unearth your values and identify what's important to you! Is there anything you always felt drawn to since you were a child?

4) Drive-Motivation
What is your drive and motivation? What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What gives you satisfaction? What fulfils you? Why do you do the things you do? What is behind all your decisions? What fuels your actions? Find the answer to your 'WHYs'.

5) Lifestyle
Explore the lifestyle you would like to have in your new career. Does a 9 to 5 schedule satisfy your needs? Do you want more freedom in your day to day activities? Do you wish to work from home, or be location independent? Design your life according to your needs!

6) Connection-Environment
Who are the people you surround yourself with? It's extremely important to be in the right crowd. Your transition will be much easier if you are in a supportive environment. Identify where you are currently and determine where you want to be. Connect with the right people, join a community, or regularly meet up with people who inspire you and share your vision.

7) Commitment-Learning
How much do you understand about what it takes to get that job? How committed are you to making your dream a reality? Are you ready to start taking actions and consistently work towards your goal? Are you prepared to learn and develop new skills? How dedicated are you to succeed?

Clarity is key to your success, so set clear goals and take actions daily to move closer to your desired outcome. Create a sound foundation by knowing who you truly are and what makes you happy in life. Life is too short to spend most of your time in jobs and careers that don't satisfy you. Commit yourself to finding your true values and don't settle for less.

Author's Bio: 

Emese Bodi is the founder of Shifting Perception, a life coaching company based in West-London. She mainly focuses on Career, Emotion and Relationship Coaching.
To find out more, please visit her website: