How do you express your self-worth? Are you going after your passions? Are you achieving your goals? How would you make your life better? These are some of the questions I have been pondering during the past couple of years as I wrote my latest book. I gathered insightful comments from women and men too, about how to better express ourselves, and how to establish a healthy, contented, well-ness oriented way of life.

Basically, I've discovered that in order to express self-worth, we need to learn to take care of ourselves. The following are some action-items I am trying to apply to my life. See if any of these ideas resonate for you:

1. Each day I will be grateful for what I have, and show compassion and kindness to others. I'll do something that makes me feel good. I'll tell my loved ones that I love them. I'll actually say the words, and mean it. And I'll make sure the recipient of my love hears the words and believes them.

2. Every week I will take myself on a special outing. I'll realize that I'm worth the time and effort. I'll make sure I get enough exercise, eat sensibly, and spend time in nature. I'll also do something fun with my husband/partner, and my children.

3. Every month I will go over my finances and stay aware -- I'll set priorities. I'll give some of my time, talent, or treasure to a charitable organization. I'll stretch my mind to learn something new. And I'll practice doing math, which was always my toughest subject.

4. Every year I will be proud of the person I am. I'll celebrate my birthday, and treat my life as though it is a very precious gift - which it is. I'll save some money in a retirement fund. I'll evaluate my career choice and set new goals. And then I'll remember to enjoy the here and now, for it is truly all I have.

Our sense of self-worth and learning how to express it with humility and love, is vitally important. Not just for our own well-being, which I think is rather obvious, but for those we care about as well.

Express your Self.

Author's Bio: 

Cheryl Saban PhD writes extensively about women, children, and social issues. She devotes a great deal of attention to philanthropic endeavors with a focus on pediatric health and research, education, relationships, empowerment of women, and the eradication of poverty. In addition to What is Your Self-Worth; A Woman’s Guide to Validation, she has written: New Mother’s Survival Guide, Recipe for Good Parenting, Recipe for a Good Marriage, 50 Ways to Save our Children, Sins of the Mother, Griffin’s Play Day, and Miracle Child.