We have beliefs about everything, about ourselves, our capabilities and success, the expectation we may have about our children, beliefs about people and whether we can trust them or not. We have beliefs about the current situation in the world, and what we believe will happen.

All these beliefs influence the decisions we make in our lives and the subsequent actions that we take produces our reality. What we perceive reality to be is a direct representation of what we believe to be true.

So much of what we believe we are not even conscious of, and because we perceive them to be the truth we have accepted them as such, however they are shaping and dictating our lives.

We tend to believe that these beliefs will disappear with time. On the contrary, if these beliefs are not changed they will generate those experiences that do not serve you.

We know that these limiting beliefs need to be cleared and new beliefs installed, but do you know how to do this effectively? Do you even know what your beliefs are? Are they your beliefs or someone else’s?

If you are experiencing limitation, struggle or hardship anywhere, in the area of relationships, money, your career, health, etc, you'll find an dis-serving belief there that needs to be cleared.

Because there were no English speaking schools in the country that my parents lived in I was sent at great expense to a boarding school for a better education before I was six years of age.

Although my siblings and I were well provided for, I collected a set of beliefs that said to get ahead one had to work hard, that money was hard to come by, that hardship and struggle was normal. What I experienced in these formative years shaped the core of my self image.

Most of these beliefs were held at a subconscious level and it wasn’t until I became aware of them that I consciously chose to change them.

I was fortunate enough to discover an amazing cutting edge step by step process to experience freedom from limitations, which I now teach. The EIP (Eliminating Interference Patterns) process will:

1. Identify the beliefs that are creating your reality in the area of finances, relationships, health, career, and spirituality.

2. Show you how to clear those beliefs that are not serving you.

3. Replace the old beliefs for new ones that will support your goals.

4. Permit the new beliefs to easily accomplish the goals in your life.

Your beliefs are the blueprints and the building blocks of your reality. Change them and you can change your world. The choice is yours.

Author's Bio: 

Brenda Blindenbach is the best selling co-author with Dr.Wayne Dyer and Anthony Robbins, of Wake Up...Live the Life You Love: Living In Clarity. She is also a Possibilities DNA Instructor/Practitioner who enables clients to make shifts in their beliefs, helps them see and feel their progress immediately and teaches them how to replicate it. Claim Brenda's free audio on "Do you understand the laws of the universe"? Available at peacefulinterlude.com.