Cellulite. The very word strikes fear in the hearts of most women and for a very good reason. Not only is cellulite embarrassing, it can be annoying and unsightly as well. This condition, where fat appears as dimpled skin around the hips, thighs, and buttocks, can prevent you from wearing shorts ...Cellulite. The very word strikes fear in the hearts of most women and for a very good reason. Not only is cellulite embarrassing, it can be annoying and unsightly as well. This condition, where fat appears as dimpled skin around the hips, thighs, and buttocks, can prevent you from wearing shorts or a swimsuit. In some cases, it can even ruin your love life!

The medical community doesn't recognize cellulite as a problem. Doctors say it's not a disease and treatment isn't necessary. Until recently, you won't even find the term in most medical books and medical dictionaries. The word “cellulite” was actually coined in 1973 by Nicole Ronsard, the owner of a beauty salon in New York City to describe a combination of fat, water, and toxic wastes that the body supposedly fails to eliminate.

However, doctors say cellulite is nothing more than ordinary fatty tissue. Studies made years ago by a certain Dr. Neil Solomon who compared cellulite and ordinary fat found no difference between the two. This was later confirmed by researchers at Rockefeller Institute who used ultrasonography, microscopic examinations, and fat metabolism studies where they found no differences whatsoever in the appearance or function of fatty tissue in those with cellulite and those who don't have it.

So what makes cellulite look that way? Experts said the cottage cheese or orange peel texture of cellulite is caused by fat deposits just below the surface of the skin that bulge out from fibrous cords connecting the skin to the underlying tissue.

“Cellulite may be more visible than fat deeper in the body. Even thin people can have cellulite, because we all have layers of fat just below the surface of the skin. Collagen fibers that connect fat to the skin may stretch, break down, or pull tight, allowing the fat cells to bulge out. This creates the rippled look of cellulite,” according to the editors of A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia.

Women are the usual victims of cellulite that can appear as early as 14 years old. Genetics are a major factor which explains why even thin women can develop the condition. Hormones, pregnancy, and aging can likewise contribute to the weakening of the collagen fibers that lead to cellulite.

“One of the strongest factors in determining whether or not one has cellulite is in one's genes. You are either born susceptible to cellulite or not. Beyond this, estrogen levels also seem to play an important role in spurring on cellulite. While women are much more likely to have cellulite than men, men who take estrogen treatments are at a higher risk of developing cellulite,” said the Science for Every Woman blog.

To prevent cellulite, here are some practical tips from the editors of the A.D.A.M. Encyclopedia:

Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber.
Drink lots of fluids.
Exercise regularly to keep the muscles strong and the bones toned.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Don't smoke.

To reduce unsightly cellulite and bring back your confidence, use Celrase – the simple solution to those ugly dimpled areas in your thighs, hips, and buttocks. Celrase's special formula helps eliminate cellulite, reduce stubborn body fat, eliminate excess water, and restore your skin's natural smoothness and elasticity. Use Celrase once or twice daily to get the body you've always wanted. Check out http://tinyurl.com/8jkw6ma for details.

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine. http://www.thearticleinsiders.com .