What if its not that we have to love and believe in ourselves, what if we just have to remove the reason that we don’t love and believe in ourselves.

“Oh My! They were wrong! After beating myself up for 30 years I’ve just realized there is nothing wrong with me after all. I can’t stop smiling.” Frank

Have you ever wondered why you view yourself as you do? Or if there is anything you can do to change what you think of yourself? Try the following.

Take a moment to think about the self talk you heard in your mind today. Did you tell yourself that you couldn’t do something, or that you weren’t good enough, perhaps you heard yourself saying that you’re a failure. Come up with at least five things you told yourself about you today.

Now think about this. If I walked up to you on the street and told you that you are a fat slob, would you believe me, would you make the decision that just because I said it, it must be true? I very much doubt it.

What if I told you that every single thing you tell yourself, originally came from another person telling you this, just like I did on the street. Now, do you remember who told you each of your five things?

Think about it. What words do you tell your children when your in a bad mood, rushing, or tired? The things you say without thinking or meaning. No you can’t have a new toy because you don’t deserve it, try harder, are you an idiot? Come up with at least five things you have said on the spur of the moment.

Every single thing you say to your child is taken as gospel and believed. That is what children do, they are sponges who take on all their beliefs of themselves, the world and their place in it from what is said to them and things they experience.

This is how you created your own beliefs of yourself when you were a child, and why you hear those same statements being repeated in your head constantly. The good news is that these beliefs are just temporary ones to use until you are ready to create your own special beliefs of yourself.

Next time you hear yourself saying something unpleasant to you, stop and ask. Is this statement logical? Do I really wish to believe it? Do I really want to live with my head filled with other people’s judgments and words?

You will find the power of self talk and the sadness it makes you feel lessens now. And you are ready and determined enough to undertake the job of finding and removing every silly thing you hear yourself repeating.

It is an amazing experience to spend time seeking out, releasing and replacing each negative belief you have of yourself with a special one you choose.

“Janet, you are very precious, as you have shown me the possibilities of seeing I am too.” Louise

It is an amazing experience to feel the love and acceptance for yourself blossom and grow.

Heal Your SELF - A Journey to find YOU takes you through the steps to permanently remove every false belief you have of yourself using Greene’s Release so you can discover how special you really are, for yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Leading personal development teacher, relationship coach, Author of Heal Your Self - A Journey to Find YOU, Heal Your Heart - A Journey to Find Your SOULMATE, and creator of the renowned Greene's Release, Janet Greene lives her Ultimate Dream of Love with her Buddy SoulMate, Marc.