Over recent months there has been a lot of media interest in hypnotherapy for weight loss. To help explain why weight loss hypnotherapy is so successful, we would ask you to consider the following: why is it that weight is only a problem for two categories of being: the most intelligent species on the earth (that’s us!) and the animals we domesticate? Why is it that whilst 40% of UK citizens are now classed as overweight, 99.99% of the other creatures on this planet, providing their food is available, eat as much as they want, whenever they want and are never overweight. Why is it that other creatures on this earth are not prone to that never ending cycle of over eating and dieting, eating and dieting, eating….
The reason for this bizarre phenomenon is very simple – other creatures on this earth do not eat emotionally. That’s right; the reason why so many people in the western world are overweight is because as a species we have learned to use food as a means to change our feelings.
Indeed, most people’s weight problems emanate from the fact that they eat when they are bored, lonely, and miserable or any number of other emotional scenarios, none of which have anything to do with physical hunger. It a sad fact that as a result of our conditioning from birth, we all have a propensity to bury our feelings in food, but if we eat because of emotional hunger, our bodies will never feel satisfied because no amount of food is going to change the way we feel – ultimately, it will only end up making us feel worse and potentially turn to dieting.
And if you think about it for a moment - the word “diet” simply suggests a short term focus, an interruption to your normal patterns of eating which you’ve developed since birth. You may diet and experience temporary weight loss, but because your unconscious mind likes consistency (it’s just the way we are hard wired), it will ensure that you ultimately return to your normal eating patterns. And so the cycle continues...
Through the use of Hypnotherapy and NLP, we can help change your eating habits by retraining the unconscious mind. This is the part of the mind that holds all your beliefs and associations about food and your body shape / image. You see hypnosis and NLP bypass the conscious mind and help create an alternative state of consciousness during which attention is focused towards particular images, thoughts, perceptions, feelings, motivations and behaviours which will help change the feelings associated with emotional eating and at the same time, install some new, more helpful eating habits and behaviours and increase your desire to exercise.
So why not try hypnotherapy and NLP to help you lose weight and become the size and shape you desire.

Author's Bio: 

John is a free lancer who has huge knowledge on hypnotherapy. For more information he recommends you to visit http://www.thetherapylounge.com/