I know no one wants to experience pain…

I certainly don’t.  I want the easy path all the time…

And in a lot of my life, I take that path…

In the non-essential parts like whether I cook or clean, I just let go of anything tough and hard and go the easy path, as should you!


Because for the essential parts like living out my vision, there can be no easy path!  There is a narrow path and I am on it all the time, running, walking, sometimes crawling but I refuse to get off it…

Because I want it all!

The impact…

The money…

The lifestyle…


And so, I refuse to let the pain, the tension keep me from the win…



Because I want it all!

Leader, do you want it all?

Do you want to impact more people with the message inside of you?

Do you have a book you want to unleash on the world?

Do you have people you want to heal?

A product that will help them?

A speech that can wake people up?

And are you still thinking that it should be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy?

After all, you feel called, right?

So therefore the Universe should make it easier for you…

Gurus talk of flow and so you think it means complete ease…

And yet, the time is ticking along and you are still not where you want to be…

No one has made the platform available to you yet…

And you wonder when your life will really begin…

And I tell you that it will begin, the moment YOU decide to plant your feet firmly on the narrow path and keep moving forward until you win!

When you stop looking for a magic bullet solution and instead get your head down with your mind firmly focused on the big vision and you take steps towards it every day…

You work with the coach…

You train your ‘relentlessness and resilience’ muscle…

You pick up your cross daily and you live with purpose!

Refusing to get drawn into any drama or craziness…

Refusing to lose your focus…

You learn what needs to be done to promote yourself and your business…

You learn how to communicate with your people…

And you learn to show up regardless of who appears to be listening…

KNOWING that in time, as you stay consistent and persistent, you will be surrounded by an audience that feels like a match made in heaven!

YOU are that champion that has already gone through a lot of pain…


And you now would rather avoid it…

I get that!

But the pain made you stronger then…

And it will do the same now!

Don’t be afraid of it!

Look it in the eye and see it as the path to your WIN!

The pain helps you keep things simple…

It brings you back to a singular focus…

And as you put your energy into that single focus, YOU WIN!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – THE DOORS ARE OPEN! ‘How To Turn $10 Into $11, $15, $50 or more using Facebook Advertising‘ – THe program is open now for you!

In a series of videos, audios and a worksheet, I am going to show you TWO simple-to-implement strategies to get all the customers, clients, recruits you want using Facebook Advertising!

Implement even one of them in the way I show you and your investment in the program will be paid for quickly!

This is for spirit-driven entrepreneurial leaders who want their advertising to work fast and predictably.  This will take away the fear around spending money in advertising and help you get results faster than ever before.

You no longer need to feel that you are throwing money down the toilet, you can follow these simple to implement strategies and get started now, increasing your reach, your impact and your income.

Find out more and join in at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/fbsecret

And you get a bonus month in the Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Club so that I can personally mentor you as well.

No need to figure it all out alone!

Join in now at Rosemarynonnyknight.com/fbsecret


Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online