Butter is a term and taste almost everybody is familiar with, even if one is intolerant to dairy products. It is an ingredient used in all homes to prepare majority of meals as well as adjust the taste of food.And it can even be used as a substitute for oil. The biggest myth about the product would be that, apart from the variety of butter brands offered all butter is said to be the same which could be considered true to some extent deliberating the fact that all butter is made from the fat of milk but what most people fail to understand is that, the source of the milk is also quite important specially when thinking about all the nutrients and proteins that the butter contains.

The animal or living creature that provides the most nutrient milk is taught to everybody from the youngest of days. Therefore it is quite important to understand that the items cows eat affects the milk produced in great ways. That’s why cows fed on grass is not only producing nutritious milk but also prevents other problematic qualities gained from cows that consume a grain diet. The sad part being, grain diet is what most cows are fed due to the fact that they constantly produce milk and have no way of grazing the fields. But thankfully, grass feeding cows has become a universal practice, especially in the Australian regions.

Grass fed butter is the term used for butter, that is created through the supply of milk provided by cows being fed on an all-natural diet which to their nature is grass. This was the ancient practice till the time where cows were held in large dairies preventing them from the freedom of grazing fields and chewing on grass like mentioned above. Grains were added therefore making it a modern day diet for cows. As the grass feeding practice is making its way back once again the right and healthy nutrients and benefits in milk are starting to come into light.

From the above explanations, understanding the term or rather the phrase, grass fed butter is easier to understand. Having moved that out of the way, the importance or benefits that tag along with the usage of butter that is made with the help of cows having been fed grass, is listed below.

The most important factor would be the thought of butter being a very fatty substance is the main reason for unwanted weight gain but with the use of natural butter or grass fed butter this is not exactly the case as many ingredients used in the production for grass fed butter are said to be quite healthy.

Another reason as to why this type of butter is important would be that there are more amounts of fatty acids such as Omega 3, which is said to be essential for an individual’s cardiovascular system. In addition to this, the taste is also another added advantage as the taste is much better and smoother compared to ordinary butter.

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Success Coach, Business Development Consultant, Strategist,Blogger, Traveller, Motivational Writer & Speaker