Causes of erectile Dysfunction [ED] problems:
Erection problems are not always related to erectile dysfunction per se. Other factors related to his physical and emotional health can lead to temporary issues in the bedroom, including:
1. Alcohol use – While a drink or two can help to break the ice and move things toward the bedroom more quickly, overdoing it can have an unintended and unfortunate effect. Alcohol is a depressant, or downer, and one of the victims of the downer effect is the ability to become erect. Men who have romantic intentions for the evening should keep their consumption to no more than 2 drinks in order to avoid an embarrassing end to an evening.
2. Smoking Smoking wreaks havoc on the body in numerous ways, including hardening and narrowing the blood vessels, interfering with neural activity and reducing stamina. Crushing out the butts is a proactive step toward overall better health, not to mention improved sexual ability.
3. Stress The pressures of maintaining a job, caring for a family, studying for exams, or anything else that keeps a man up at night can cause chemical stress reactions that tend to interfere with erectile ability. Reducing stress or finding better ways to cope can help to improve his ability to react to stimulation.
4. Poor circulation Reduced circulation to the penis, whether due to excess body fat, reduced heart function, or just sitting at a desk for too long can restrict blood flow and result in at least temporary reduction in erectile action.
5. Depression and other emotional or mood disorders can manifest as loss of erectile ability; on the flip side, loss of erectile function can actually lead to depression. In either case, treating the depression with counseling and or medication may help.
6. Relationship issues Whether faced with partner conflict or just an old relationship in which the sex just does not feel new and exciting any more, a man who is not feeling comfortable with his mate may not feel aroused every time the occasion calls for it. Couples counseling – or even a change in partners – might provide the answer in this case.
7. Medications certain prescription medications can lead to loss of function; when medications are in the mix, talking to a doctor about an alternative may help to resolve the issue.
8. Peyronies disease: This disease causes fibers and plaques to appear in the genitals, interrupting blood flow.
9. Cancer: Cancer can interfere with nerves or arteries that are vital to erection.
10. Surgery: Surgery to the pelvis, and especially prostate surgery for prostate cancer, can damage the nerves and arteries that are required to gain and maintain an erection.
11. Spinal cord or pelvic injury: The nerves that stimulate erection can be cut by injury to them.
12. Hormonal disorders: A lack of testosterone (male hormone or androgen) can result from thyroid disorders.
13. Performance anxiety: Most men have had erection problems at some point due to worrying about performing well during sexual intercourse. If this happens often, the anticipation of sex can trigger nervous reactions that prevent erection, setting up a vicious cycle.
14. Situational psychological problems: Some men have problems only in certain situations or with certain people. In troubled relationships, men may be unable to achieve erection with their partner but have no problem away from home.
15. Sexual aversion: Being repelled by sex is rare. It is most common in people who suffered child abuse and those who have been brought up in strict religious surroundings. Aversion can also exist in homosexuals or bisexuals who attempt to lead a heterosexual life against their basic inclinations.
16. Heart disease.
17. Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
18. High LDL cholesterol.
19. High blood pressure.
20. Diabetes.
21. Obesity.
22. Metabolic syndrome, a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist.
23. Parkinson disease.
24. Multiple sclerosis.
25. Low testosterone.
26. Drugs: The following can cause erectile dysfunction:
antianxiety medications
anticancer medications
ganglionic and adrenergic (beta) blockers
MAOI and tricyclic antidepressants
narcotic pain relievers
thiazide diuretics that are prescribed to control high blood pressure (and other blood pressure medications, such as calcium channel blockers)

Currently, virtually any man who wishes to have an erection can obtain it, regardless of the underlying cause of his problem. Many reasonable treatment options exist. Your first step is to find a well-trained, experienced, and compassionate doctor who is willing to take the time to understand you as well as to fully examine you to discover the cause of erectile dysfunction. Together, you and your doctor can then discuss possible treatments.

Allopathic Treatment:
1. Cialis, Levitra, Staxyn, Stendra, and Viagra work by a similar mechanism to cause erections. There are subtle differences in how long the drug works and how quickly it works.
2. Testosterone, bromocriptine, and cabergoline are hormonal treatments that may help with erectile dysfunction. Inadequate production of testosterone is not a common cause of erectile dysfunction; however, when ED does occur due to decreased testosterone production, testosterone replacement therapy may improve the problem.

Natural Treatment:
1. Horny goat weed is an herb that has been a traditional remedy in China for centuries. It is used for low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, pain, and other conditions.
2. Arginine. The amino acid L-arginine, which occurs naturally in food, boosts the body production of nitric oxide, a compound that facilitates erections by dilating blood vessels in the penis.
3. DHEA, a hormone that the body converts to testosterone and estrogen, can help alleviate some cases of ED.
4. Korean red ginseng has long been used to stimulate male sexual function, but few studies have tried systematically to confirm its benefits.
5. Ginkgo biloba. Known primarily as a treatment for cognitive decline, ginkgo has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. George Grant is considered by his peers as Canada‘s Wellness Ambassador & Champion. He is the founder & CEO of Academy of Wellness in 1983. Dr Grant enjoys a stellar academic background as well as a fascinating career in research. He is a scientist, professor, analytical chemist, toxicologist, pharmacologist, microbiologist, nutritionist, biofeedback, stress management & pain specialist, and indoor air quality specialist. Dr Grant is the author of 7 best selling books, former Scientist at University of Saskatchewan‘s Faculty of Pharmacy and Nutrition, Professor at Seneca College in Toronto, and Senior Consultant for Health Canada as well as in private practice.
Prof. Dr. Grant is among International Who’s Who of Professionals. He has 100 published articles, conference presentations, book reviews and 7 bestselling books, including a chapter in 100 ways to improve your life with Mark Victor Hanson, the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Dr Grant helped 7 Olympic athletes to remain competitive. Dr. Grant helped thousands of his clients, corporations and non profit organizations worldwide through his passion for wellness and compassion for his clients. He pioneered the research of Beta Endorphins on SIDS at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sask., Saskatoon, Sask. Canada in 1981.