The primary causes of child labour are the lack of schools and poverty. Between 1960 and 2003, the incidence of child labour reduced from 25% to 10% according to the World Bank. However, the number of child labourers remain high around the world. The ILO and UNICEF have estimated that 168 million children in the age group of were engaged in child labour in the year 2013.

Child Labour Essay - Causes of Child Labour

In this section of child labour essay, we will learn about the causes of child labour. The elements that are responsible for the child labour in India include the

Illiteracy and Poverty of the parents of the child.
The cultural values of the surrounding society and the family as well.
High rates of under-employment and adult unemployment.
Lack of Skills training
Lack of access to meaningful and basic quality education.
Lack of awareness about the child labour’s harmful effects.
The economic and social circumstances of the family.
Due to a family indebtedness, the children are forced to labour very often. The children who are at a risk of dropping out and the Out of school children (OOSC) are drawn into work very easily and are highly vulnerable to exploitation. The girls, especially from the socially disadvantaged groups, will be at a higher risk of being bonded to labour.

The other causes for child labour are as follows

The lack of livelihood options and poverty force the children to contribute to the income of the family.
Due to family indebtedness, natural disasters like droughts and conflicts.
The urban migration and rural poverty expose the children to being trafficked for work.

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