Conscious Parenting or Entering a Spiritual Parenting Journey

Parenting IS the most difficult job in the world. The Journey of Personal Development magically enfolds in front of the Parents that are at all times asked to increase their capacity to Love, and Understand this complex matrix of impulses we call Life. The world belongs to our children and we are their soil, their water, their air and if we are full of love, understanding, and wisdom our children will grow into free and inspired adults.

Conscious Parenting Course by Nataša Pantović quote about kids and-truth

Family Wellness and Positive Psychology

It is possible to get the art of parenting RIGHT: our children need our Love need our support and need our sanity within this amazing matrix of choices we live in. They need us to guide them towards healthy nutrition or behavior and inspiring activities, life enriching friends, etc.

Conscious Parenting and Devotion to Life

Unfortunately it is easy for parents to lose themselves in PARENTING RESPONSIBILITY, in day to day tasks, in screams of demanding children, within PARENTING RULES and PARENTING ROLES. A harsh or skeptical parent can easily subdue the life force of the child. The energy of a warm, gentle, loving parent will be absorbed unconsciously into the new forming mind maintaining a deep devotion to Life.

Parenting and Behavior Modification

Parenting teaches us that no matter how much we try we will not get it RIGHT the first time; we (human beings) need to GO through an experience a number of times, to be able to learn. Helping a sister, who just had a child, is still a completely different experience from having your own child. The one who has never been a parent will have difficulties understanding all the struggles, traumas, and complications; a parent needs to go through in his or her role as a Parent.

However, it is possible to get it RIGHT the second, the third or perhaps the twenty-fourth time. It is important not to give up, get discouraged, or forget that we can aim to reach our highest potential even when constantly challenged with various demands for more and more chocolate, for more and more TV, for more and more games, for more and more expensive gifts, for more and more time.

Conscious Parenting Video

For a video Spirituality and Parenting have a look at:

It is possible to get it RIGHT if we stick to the very basic principle of Personal Development and Spiritual Growth: encouraging within us and our children a strong capacity for feelings, rich soul experiences, training the willpower, within an environment that nurture mental, emotional and physical growth.

Article shared with the permission of the Publisher. First time published as: How to Practice Conscious Parenting and Children Development Tips:

Author's Bio: 

Nataša Pantović MSc Economics, Published Author since 1991, Adoptive Parent, Management Consultant and Ancient Worlds Consciousness Researcher. Author of:
1. Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents,
2. Mindful Being towards Mindful Living
3. Art of 4 Elements spiritual poetry book and
4. A-Ma or Playing Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras.
5. Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams
6. Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations
7. Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings

Artof4Elements launched the AoL Mindfulness Series of 9 fiction and non-fiction books with 7 Authors focusing on ancient history, creativity and comparative religion. A series of many genres, including poetry, personal development, historical fiction, the world of ''AoL Mindfulness'' explores inner alchemy, and reaching ones highest potential.