When you make a New Year Resolution, ensure it comes from your heart, in unison with your head. It has the capacity to enrich your life and bring you closer to your positive and empowered future

Irrespective of who we are, we all want the best for our lives. How many times have you fallen but got up again and kept going? How many brick walls have you encountered? How many obstacles have you faced? Each time you had the resolve to keep going.
Hi and welcome: My name is Kieran Revell. I’m a Conscience-based (Ethical) Leadership consultant and Speaker; Coach, Mentor and Author. Thanks for being part of this awesome little community.
Every day we make choices which influence our future. When we have a vision of the life we want, we take extra notice of what’s occurring around us. If you’re anything like me, you want tomorrow to be at least as great as today.
That means we have to have a clear vision in place of exactly what it is we want and just how we plan to achieve it. That does take effort.
Never be afraid to create your new vision. Each day will offer us opportunities which encourage us to improve our lives. The vision of the future can change countless times as we move forward with greater purpose.
Though you might struggle with various concepts of building for the future, the following steps can assist in creating that new vision:
• Know clearly what you want for your future
• Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone
• Seek support and assistance whenever necessary
• Stop listening to your detractors
• Continue to be courageous
• Heed the voice of the supporter within you
• Celebrate every victory – large and small

Good fortune is meant to be shared – not coveted. Generosity is a gift which is rewarded. If you make the choice to remain self-centered and selfish, good fortune soon stops appearing in your life.
When you show compassion to others; when you open your heart and your mind without expectation, your vision of the future suddenly becomes brighter. Your heart sings and you release yourself from much of the negativity which can otherwise tie you down.
Create your new vision today. Understand what’s highest on your list of values and work sensibly towards achieving it. Get the support you need and don’t lose your resolve. When doubt makes an appearance, refer to the reasons why you began this amazing journey in the first place.
Embrace every aspect of your life, whether negative or positive: They all contribute in some significant way to your future.
If your life didn’t have hurdles, issues and challenges you would never fully appreciate the good times. Your life would have less colour and clarity.
All aspects of your life are crucial components of your vision. Like the puzzle, every piece has its place. When you walk proudly into the future with an open heart, an optimistic view and clarity of thought, you leave indelible footprints for others to follow.
It really is that easy. Create your vision and freely share it with others. Become an extraordinary force for good in the global community.
Imagine the possibilities ….

Author's Bio: 

Kieran Revell is a Conscience-based (Ethical) Leadership Consultant and Speaker: A Coach, Mentor and Author.

Kieran empowers large organizations, small/medium enterprises (SMEs), non-profits and individuals through his unique programs and initiatives. They are designed to improve workplace harmony, elevate confidence, re-ignite enthusiasm, empowering individuals to be the very best they can.

The results can have an extraordinary, life-changing, snowball effect across the family unit and the wider global community.