MerryThoughts for Halloween

"There is no monster. The monster is ignorance."

December 21, 2012 – Is it the end or the beginning?
By Merry C. Battles

The ancients speak of this time as the Shift of the Ages. All time past, present, and future has the opportunity to speed up or slow down, stop, and then start all over again at a higher level of integration.

When a system reaches chaos and gets sick it needs healing. At first it is disintegration and then it starts to rearrange at a higher level of organization. This can be compared to a body getting sick and then healing with all the pieces in a better organization.

We are all doing that in our lives if we are doing our "homework." The whole Universe is going through a transformation. - A new birth.

With birth there are definitely labor pains and then the new dawn approaches.

The old, outmoded, trying situations are cleaned out and will be detoxed as the new world; the new human/divine being emerges. This is akin to the caterpillar coming out of its cocoon as the beautiful butterfly.

Apparently there are two timelines running next to each other. One is the positive timeline and one is the negative timeline. These timelines are akin to parallel universes. There are supposed to be many dimensions in our World.

If we all are one in Spirit, our combined Spirits and God’s Will through us will affect the outcome. Remember it is divide and conquer.

In the example of the 100th Monkey Theory, a certain number of beings that understand a concept or believe one will catapult the rest of us to get it. Critical Mass also reflects the same idea.

The “dark” forces do not want to give up their so called power. This negative power has been “allowed” by the Great Spirit for a time. The time is up. The deeds are done.
Remember Jesus said to his accusers, “You could not do this to me except given the power from above.”

We all have a choice right NOW. Do we believe in the destruction of our Great Mother Earth or can we see a bright future of peace and harmony?

The outcome depends on ALL of us together.

When you feel scared, overwhelmed, or chaotic, go into your room be quiet and center yourself. It will pass. Think about the love you feel and the love and kindness you can give.

Can you see the glorious future that awaits us all when we can chose love and peace?

Most of all – Believe in LOVE.

The light is always VICTORIOUS!
©2012Merry C. Battles

Author's Bio: 

Merry C. Battles is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6" It is her 26 year meditation journey with the 12 holy days of Christmas. Her book can be used all year long as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac. Merry has worked in the Healing Arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, cellulite massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and foot reflexology. Merry Is a Continuing Education Provider for Florida LMT'S. Her Intro courses in Jin Shin Jyutsu are open to all people.
Merry’s book can be purchased at and
Autographed copies are available at: also
My Every Day of the Year is Christmas Gift to you at my website, Free Ebook!
Email Merry at: Merry has an Expert page on Self Growth - Walking the Spiritual Path Expert.
©2012Merry C. Battles