Retirement would mean lots of time available to try out new hobbies and experiences. While the passion may vary from person to person, there is one hobby that might seem perfect for every senior citizen – Gardening. Apart from improving your health and mood, it can also reduce your grocery expenses and provide ways for community involvement. Here are 6 reasons that make gardening the perfect hobby for the elderly:

It keeps you active and healthy

Gardening involves a lot of tasks such as mixing soil, filling up pots, and watering plants that can strengthen the hands of older adults, while keeping them on their tones. It gives them an exercise of moderate intensity, working on their upper as well as lower body muscles. A few hand and body stretches done on a regular basis can prepare your body to take up the gardening tasks without causing any strain on your body.

It promotes a healthier diet

As per research those who grow vegetables in their gardens consume 40% more vegetables than those who don’t. Grown in an organic way these vegetables can contribute to a healthy diet, thereby strengthening your immunity and improving your overall well-being. By sharing the produce that you grow, you can also improve the vegetable intake of your friends and family members, while keeping them connected to your social network.

It lifts up your mood

Since gardening is an outdoor activity, it has the power to keep your mind occupied and mood positive. The sense of achievement that you get by tending to your garden can do wonders to your brain and mental health. Gardening is said to reduce the risks of dementia by 36% in those who are aged 60 and above. The exposure to sunlight replenishes your body with Vitamin D, thereby boosting your immune system. The specific bacteria that is found in soil is said to release serotonin in the brain, which is a natural anti-depressant.

A well-tended garden can keep your environment therapeutic

Surrounding yourself with a natural environment can improve your healing process by reducing stress and providing the relaxation that you need. In fact many hospitals and rehab centers include gardening as a therapeutic activity. Just looking at your garden three to five minutes at a time can reduce your anxiety, anger and pain, bringing in peace and relaxation.

It fits your needs

Whether you want to keep a few potted plants on the patio or grow vegetables in your backyard, you can form a garden that fits your ability level perfectly. In fact any space can be used for a garden, whether it is in-door or outdoor. It is an easy task that can be handed over to your friends and neighbors when you are traveling.

It promotes community Involvement

Gardening can pave way to earn some extra income and meet fellow gardeners at places where you sell your produce. You can make new friends by sharing some gardening tips with them. It makes you stay involved with the community, while experiencing the benefits of good health and wellness.

Gardening does not have to be an exhausting chore at all times. The modern world of today has brought in so many gardening tools for elderly that can make these tasks fun and enjoyable. Go ahead, get a few of them, and make gardening your favorite hobby.

Author's Bio: 

Naren is a Freelancer Writer, Entrepreneur and passionate blogger.