It is likely that if you are seeking a career in TEFL that you enjoy teaching. There are many reasons why a person might enjoy teaching. Part of that reason is the joy that comes from helping someone learn something. It can be difficult to properly teach a student if you haven’t had the proper training with the correct topics, however. Thus we see that by teachers of TEFL completing certification through properly accredited courses, the students of English around the world actually benefit. TEFL accreditation speaks to the quality of the course, the feedback students of that course receive, and even the quality of the teachers who instruct the TEFL students. All of this works to make great teachers ready to help students of English the world over.

In order to actually receive TEFL accreditation, a TEFL course must first meet some stringent standards set forth by the accrediting commission. Different accrediting bodies might have slightly different criteria for obtaining accreditation, but the standards are usually pretty high. Receiving accreditation by the World TEFL Accrediting Commission, for instance, means that the course must be very clear, coherent, and maintain high standards. The teachers also must have experience and receive the proper training. The accrediting body drops in on the course from time to time in order to make sure that these standards are constantly being met. If a course falls below accreditation standards, the accreditation is usually removed.

Since accreditation speaks to the quality of the course, it should also speak to the quality of the feedback that students of the course receive. Students are not simply taught to and then receive certification. They must actually complete course work and receive individual feedback as far as their progress is concerned. In fact, some accredited courses may not even supply a grade at all, but work strictly on individual feedback—which may determine successful completion of the course.

Quality content and quality feedback means quality teachers, as mentioned above. The teachers of an accredited TEFL course should not only teach, but they should also be mentors. TEFL accreditation usually requires that teachers have experience relevant to TEFL. This is the perfect opportunity to guide and mentor students of TEFL; to make them better teachers and better able to help their students of English.

TEFL accreditation speaks volumes about the TEFL course that you choose to enroll in. In the end, a quality, accredited TEFL course helps students of English worldwide by training quality new teachers of English. If you really want to get started in the right direction to help students of English all over the globe, then make sure to start by looking for what counts in your certification: proper accreditation.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Had is offering intensive TEFL Accreditation and Accreditation TEFL is an accrediting body of TEFL/TESOL courses and course providers.