In this article, we will discuss the benefits of dream control, and six simple steps to help with dream control. By the end of this article, you should have the techniques and tools needed to be in charge of your dreams.

Benefits of learning to control your dreams

As humans, we are programmed to be in control of our actions. How many times have you woken up in the middle of the night, because of a bad dream? Wouldn’t it be great if you could change the outcome?

In many countries around the world, there is a cultural belief that dreams can influence people\’s lives. The more positive dreams you have, the better off your life will be. Children of many Indian cultures are taught at an early age to record their dreams, and analyze them. When they have a bad dream, parents tell them that the next time they have such a dream, they shouldn’t fear it, or try to run away from it. Instead, they should concentrate on confronting the problem that they faced. By doing this, they are taught to conquer fear while they are still young.

If you learn to control your dreams, you become more expressive. This allows you to be more open and creative on a conscious level. Here is how you can benefit from controlling your dreams:

Relieve Stress – It’s possible to use your dreams as a no-stress zone. What is relaxing and peaceful to you? Is it a walk through the park? Climbing a mountain? Or, how about sitting under an umbrella on a tropical beach, while sipping on an exotic drink? These visual fantasies can energize you, and keeping you relaxed under stressful situations that you encounter throughout your daily life.

Solve Problems – You might have problems in a relationship, problems at your job, or problems with your health. Regardless of the types of problems that you are facing, you can control your dreams to focus on ways of working through professional and personal problems.

Conquer Your Fears – Let’s say you are a baseball pitcher. If you dream about an important game, you should try to control your dream, so that you are throwing nothing but strikes, and the batter cannot touch your ball. Next, see yourself winning the game. Finally, visualize yourself winning a big championship. The following exercise should be helpful to conquer your fears when dreaming: the next time you see yourself falling in a dream (one of the most common dreams), instead of waking up before you hit the ground, try to see yourself controlling your fall to where you lightly land on your feet. Or, you can stretch out your arms, and begin to fly and soar over the landscape. This attitude will help you get over your fear and take control of various aspects of your life.

How Can We Control Our Dreams – Six Simple Steps to Help with Dream Control

Now that we have covered the benefits, let’s move on to 6 simple steps you can use to help you control your dreams.

This is neither an exhaustive list, nor something that is written in stone. However, these are some important steps that could help you take command over the directions of your dreams.

1. Strength Comes in Numbers – Why not join an Internet group (or local group, if you can find one)? It is sometimes a good idea to talk with others, who have been successful in the same subject. Find out what techniques have worked for them, and apply them to your dream control.

2. Daydream with a Purpose – How can we control our dreams without actually dreaming? Well, that’s possible through proactive daydreaming. You could also call this “daydreaming with a purpose”.

When you have some downtime during a lunch break, or other free time during the day, why not release yourself from this busy world for a few minutes, and visualize the kind of dream you would like to have. Use all of your senses to make that dream come to life. You should be able to smell it, taste it, hear it, feel it and see it in your mind’s eye. When you do this enough, this will eventually become part of your active dream process.

3. Keep a Detailed Journal – Some of the world’s best writers have their greatest inspirations for writing while they are asleep. They often wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts they received in their dreams and quickly write them down. Writers, who don’t write down their ideas, quickly forget them by the time they wake up in the morning

You might be getting closer to the reality of controlling your dreams each night, but forget that the process ever took place. Get a notebook and pen, and keep them close to your bed. Whenever you have any kind of dreams and wake up in the middle of the night, write down what you were dreaming. See if there is some kind of pattern to waking up, and the type of dreams you were having when you did.

4. Stay on Target – If there is a specific topic that you want to control in your dreams, try to actively dream about it each night. Think about it during the day and right before you drift off to sleep. This type of dream selection will help you eventually dream about what you want.

If you keep having negative dreams, concentrate on eliminating them from your life, or changing the outcome. Learn what is the easiest for you.

5. Control Your Thought Process – Dreaming is not a physical action, but a mental process. You’ve got to think through your actions, and allow your mind to control what your body should be doing in your dream. Since thought processes are infinite, you can always make yourself invincible in your dreams, which allows you to start controlling them.

6. Believe You Can – What is probably the most effective method in controlling our dreams? Just believe that you can do it, and it will happen. One of the biggest ways to accomplish anything in life is to believe in something. How many times have you heard someone say, “No one believed that I could do it, but I just kept my mind focused, and believed that I could!”

Always remember that the mind is a very powerful thing. As Napoleon Hill once said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe; the mind can achieve.”

Author's Bio: 

Morgan K Taylor has a keen interest in productivity, personal development and life fulfillment. In 2011, he created REALITYPLEX in an effort to provide an online space where people can obtain useful information, connect with others and find solutions to their personal daily concerns and worries. What's in your head? Learn and share @