Involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep, simply known as wet dreams in boy world is a common occurrence in all households with adolescent boys. However, wet dreams are not only associated with young boys. Even mature men tend to soil their bed sheets blissfully during deep sleep. Every boy wonder about this automatic ejaculation in his teenage years, but as per men's rule, they seldom speak about it to any close friend or their parents.

Causes for involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep

Several men blame it directly on playboy models. But scientifically, there are less attractive reasons for the process. The sympathetic nervous system in our body induces prostaglandin E2 secretion, stimulating the prostate to release the same along with another hormone called Cortisol. Every one of us would have gone through embarrassing prostate examination at some point in our life. The nervous in our body perform a similar process when we sleep. The sexually active male body searches for an outlet to relieve itself in some form of other. This is done unconsciously during sleep. It is a common process in all human beings only a little stronger in males.

Myths and facts about involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep

1. Like most men assume, involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep does not mean there is excess semen in the body making you the hottest guy in the town.

2. It is a natural process occurring in every male's body during adolescence, at the height of reproductive years and during Andropause.

3. Some young boys fear creatively about their semen running out of count during sleep. Involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep will never cause infertility in young boys except in very rare cases.

Symptoms of involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep

1. Untold ecstasy and floating like feeling accompanied by uncontrollable ejaculation.

2. Some men wake up from sleep during or after wet dreams, while most don't. In fact many start sleeping deeply after involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep.

3. Rarely, some men experience profuse sweating and rigidness in body, just like they do so while having orgasm. This might wake them up from their sleep.

4. Involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep may or may not be caused through active sex dreams. Some boys remember the dreams while majority of them do not.

Side effects of involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep

1. It is a perfectly normal process until it is kept under control. The frequency of the wet dreams in adolescent boys is a bit higher than sexually active men.

2. Most boys feel refreshed and extra energetic when they wake up in the morning after an elaborate wet dream. But, some might experience the exact opposite symptoms, feeling quite tired. Consulting a doctor and taking proper energetic diet with milk, almonds etc will solve the issue.

3. Usually boys don't feel very embarrassed bout involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep. Those who do so, start indulging in masturbation at a very young age, leading to some sexual complications later.

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