Flu season posted the highest record in history last year and so far, 2018 could not be far behind. The epicenter of this epidemic is in Hong Kong and though it has not spread it yet, it has already affected many people. Hospitals and medical centers are flooded with sick patients.

This virus can spread easily and you only need one infected person in an office or school. If it is poorly ventilated, it can spread like wildfire. One representative of a local medical centre Wyndham Vale mentioned that a workplace could lose up to six days per employee affected with influenza virus. During the changing of the seasons, the goal is to plan how to tackle and minimize the spread of the virus.

In order to fight this aggressive virus, Wyndhamvale Health Care has also mentioned a host of classic symptoms that come with the cold season.  According to them aside from flu, sinusitis and bronchitis may also come with similar symptoms like a sore throat, fatigue, fever, headaches and runny nose. The only difference is that flu tends to be more violent and tends to have a longer stint.

Relieving Flu Symptoms

The flu symptoms tend to last up to a week and this includes coughing, fever, aching joints, and tiredness. There is no instant cure and the only way is to take natural remedies and wait out. Wyndhamvale Health Care has recommended these natural remedies to fight flu symptoms:

  • Take antiviral medicines
  • Natural products with eucalyptus to soothe a cough and sore throat
  • Arnica can relieve aching joints
  • Peppermint has decongestant properties that can clear a stuffy nose
  • Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration
  • Get a lot of sleep and rest to help the body fight the virus

Reinforce the Immune System

During the cold season, the weather and stress from work tend to weaken the immune system. When your immune system is down, you cannot fight viruses. Before this could happen, medical centre Wyndham Vale has been aggressive in their campaigns to fight flu. They have recommended a few tips to fight flu including taking lots of Vitamin C to boost the immune system and help the body combat stress. They also recommend exercise to increase the body temperature, which in return activates the immune system.

Avoid Infections

The flu virus can be transmitted through direct contact like a handshake or a kiss and through drops of saliva in the air. If there is a flu epidemic, Wyndhamvale Health Care has stated the following measures:

  • It recommends to air out rooms regularly to refresh the air
  • Regular washing of hands.
  • Avoiding close contact with infected individuals
  • Use tissues
  • Disinfect the objects used by the person who has suffered from flu

The local government agencies are also very active in their flu prevention campaigns during the flu season.  While many businesses, on the other hand, have taken proactive steps of getting their employees to immunize to combat nasty flu. You can consult your family medical centre about it.

In Wyndham Vale, the local family medical centre, Wyndhamvale Health Care offers immunizations and care package to prevent the spread of flu. You can consult with them about it.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.