I have been helping others through career transitions for almost 20 years. Like you, they sought stability and comfort. But the simple fact is that any transition involves discomfort, uncertainty, and risk before you can get to the other side in a new career, in a new life, where you can once again enjoy stability.

Again and again, I have seen the character arc of transition change my clients for the better.

Overcoming obstacles makes us better people, helps us live a better story, a bigger story!

This is how one of my clients, Claudine Guiet, a Health Educator & Video Promotions Producer, puts it:

The whole culture has changed as far a getting a new job. You don’t just send in your resume. Now you have to create your new job. You have to go to somebody and convince them that they need your unique services and they create a job for you. You have to be very proactive. We create our lives. But it’s hard to do it alone. It’s not like somebody like George does it for us. He’s kind like a midwife. We have to do the work. But it helps a lot to have a midwife. To help you have confidence in yourself. It can be pretty tricky when somebody is going through a period with doubt and questions about the future and their next move.

3 Easy Steps

• Gain clarity about your right work.
• Develop confidence to move into it.
• Acquire tools to realize what really,

really matters to you about work and life!

Yes, there are everyday, practical issues and challenges related to your career that need to be resolved in our external world of people, places, and things. But there are internal issues too--deeper, core issues and concerns that you feel may be blocking your career advancement and highest aspirations for your life.

An effective career transition requires efficient and effective actions in both our outer and inner world. Life skills are exactly that, skills we learn that help us to do life better. I have organized those skills into 5 Modules that guide my clients through a successful career transition.

MODULE 1 – HEART WORK – Identifying your Key Success Factors through proven assessment tools and techniques

MODULE 2 – HEAD WORK – Matching your Individual Passion Pattern & Key Success Factors to specific jobs in specific work settings that will recognize, reward and motivate you for what you do naturally & effortlessly.

MODULE 3 – LEG WORK – Targeting specific employers and breaking into the hierarchy of hiring to get the best jobs now through packaging and presenting your value for the needs and priorities of employers

MODULE 4 – WEB WORK – Positioning your personal brand online to trigger hiring professionals to call you with opportunities.

MODULE 5– LIFE WORK – Developing and implementing a plan for continued jobjoy and career advancement for yourself and your children.

Anyone can learn these skills, and anyone can make a successful career transition…including you!

Yes, you may have been knocked down for a bit. And, yes, I know you may not feel like a success at every point in your life, but let me remind you of this simple fact: you have been successful in life previously; and you will be successful again! Especially with proven tools that guide you through the internal and external challenges that are a natural part of any meaningful career change!

It’s easier than you think. Learn how from George Dutch, a certified job change expert in his home study JOBJOY FOR LIFE Proven System to Discover & Develop a Career, a Job, a Way of Working That Will Energize You for Life with More Money & Vitality. He guarantees that his exclusive program will deliver job change success.

Author's Bio: 

George Dutch is a certified Job Change Expert For 20 years, I`ve helped over 3000 people just like you who felt lost or confused or trapped and wanted a better job fit! Are you ready to change your job or career? And start working naturally and effortlessly so that you get ENERGIZED by your job instead of drained, dumped out, dumped on, or dead-ended? For more information please Visit www.jobjoy.com