Breast augmentation is among the most popular plastic surgery procedures. Modern technology has made the procedure safe and effective. But is breast augmentation a painful procedure? This is a question that most women who are considering the surgery ask. While the procedure itself may not hurt, there are a number of factors that affect the patient’s level of comfort.

Breast Enhancement - Some Pain is Inevitable

The surgical procedure itself is not painful as the patient is given anesthesia. However, women do complain of some amount of pain following breast augmentation surgery.

A lot depends on the kind of incision used to place the breast implant. The three common positions for the incision in breast augmentation are: underneath the breast, around the areola, or through the armpit. Placing the incision underneath the muscle is considered the most versatile option and suits both silicone and saline implants. This method offers accurate placement of the implant and conceals the scar as well. However, it also results in pain as it involves cutting the muscle. The actual pain is at its worst in two days following surgery. Most surgeons offer several options to minimize the pain which usually eases off after about 48 hours.

Discomfort can be Patient Specific

As breast implants placed under the muscle stretch the tissue, it can result in pain. This is more so for young patients who have never had children. Also, patients who are in good health heal more quickly and would experience less discomfort than others who have medical problems. It is therefore important to tell your surgeon about any ailments or health conditions you have before you go in for cosmetic breast surgery.

Follow Instructions on Post-surgical Care

Going by the advice of your plastic surgeon is vital for comfortable healing. You will have a dressing on your breasts for a few days post-surgery. Medication will be prescribed for the pain till it subsides. Your stitches will be removed in about ten days’ time. After the dressing is removed, you will have to wear a special support bra all the time for at least a month. You may experience a burning sensation in your nipples for at least two weeks after the operation. Bruising and general discomfort are also common issues. The swelling on your breasts can take up to five weeks to disappear. Besides pain medication, rest and relaxation are vital to the healing process.

Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon

Getting your breast enhancement done at an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center by a board-certified plastic surgeon is necessary to ensure the best results. While breast augmentation by itself is not a painful procedure, an experienced surgeon would take all the necessary steps to prevent chances of infection and to ensure that post-operative pain is minimal.

Author's Bio: 

Breast Augmentation Houston - Dr. Sean Boutros is a renowned plastic surgeon in Houston, Texas with expertise in DIEP flap breast reconstruction, rhinoplasty, and microtia.