Bothered by the sight of those unsightly and enlarged veins on your legs? Wishing to get varicose vein and spider vein treatment by a vein specialist but are afraid of the cost and risks involved with surgery? Have you heard of sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy has been used to treat spider veins for over 150 years. This procedure involves the injection of a solution directly into the affected vein, resulting in a reaction that will progressively shrink and collapse the varicose vein. Once this happens, blood will reroute to healthier veins and the collapsed vein will eventually fade and be reabsorbed.

The treated veins will eventually fade after a few weeks and full results become apparent after about a month. Depending on the case, there may be a need for several schlerotherapy treatments.

Injection Procedure
The entire procedure can take about 15 minutes to an hour, based upon the number and length of the varicose veins being treated. Some refer to this treatment as spider vein removal but that is not what actually happens.

Prior to undergoing the treatment, patients should avoid medications like tetracycline or minocin as this can cause staining in the skin if taken 6 to 10 days before or after the procedure. The doctor may also ask you to avoid taking some other antibiotic medications. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory medications should also be avoided 48 hours before and after the procedure. The action of these medications might interfere with the sclerosing solution and hinder desired or optimal results when taken within these time frames.

Tylenol can be given to the patient before and after the procedure to help control any pain. This is not an anti-inflammatory medication so it should not diminish the effectiveness of the procedure. If you are currently taking any kind of medication, make sure that you disclose all this information to the doctor.

Side Effects
Typical side effects brought about by this procedure include burning sensations, bruising and lumps on the treated areas. Most of these side effects will fade throughout the healing process. During the post-procedure period, avoid activities that involve hot baths or hot steam.

Serious complications following this procedure are quite rare. Potential complications may include allergic reactions, ulceration, and deep vein thrombosis. Allergic reactions are brought about by the sclerosing solution that was used. Ulcerations may leave a permanent scar but this can easily be surgically removed. Deep vein thrombosis is very rare but can sometimes happen when larger varicose veins are involved.

Patients can resume their normal activities after the treatment. They are encouraged to walk and wear support or compression wraps on the treated areas. During this time, vigorous activities such as weight lifting and aerobics classes should be avoided.

Before going through Reno sclerotherapy, make sure that you have had a full consultation and screening with a reputed dermatologist or specialist in spider vein treatment in Reno NV. Your doctor might recommend that it would be better for you to undergo other procedures like laser resurfacing in Washoe City or intense pulsed light in Carson City. Note that spider vein removal in Virginia City is an elective procedure and will therefore not be covered by most insurances. There are some companies, though, that might cover this depending on medical circumstances.

Author's Bio: 

RenoSparks MedSpa delivers spider vein treatment in Reno NV as well as laser skin resurfacing in Washoe City patients. As the Reno Sclerotherapy doctor of choice, Dr. Van Reken MD offers patients options for their laser skin rejuvenation needs.