If you feel that sharp feeling of someone hitting you in your back or just like you have fought a war or anything my friend that is what is known as back pain. It comes and goes without your notice and this back pain can be the cause of absence from work or frequent visits to the cardiac doctor. Almost 80%people from age 35 to 55 suffer from back pain without even considering it an issue.


Experts believe back pain is associated with how our bones, muscles and ligaments connect and work together. Back pain is a common reason for absence from work and doctor visits. Although back pain may be painful and uncomfortable, it is not usually serious.
Even though back pain can affect people of any age, it is significantly more common among adults aged between 35 and 55 years. Experts say that back pain is associated with the way our bones, muscles and ligaments in our backs work and connect together. Back pains can mainly be of 2 types:

Lower back pain: back pain linked to lumbar spine, discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine, nerves and spinal cords.

Upper back pain: This type of back pain can occur because of aorta disorder, tumors in chest and spine inflammation.


• Strained muscles, ligaments, muscle spasm
• Ruptured, bulging disc, arthritis, abnormal curvature of spine, osteoporosis, infection or cancer of spine, cauda equine syndrome, etc.

But these are deases that cannot harm many. The things that cause back pain in general mass are: around you all the time. Just look at the chair you sit all day or after you go home the chair or sofa you sit in. ask yourself. Is it comfortable? Does it cuddle you in all the right ways you want? Is it to your needs?

Many of us don’t realize the health factors while buying a chair. And just buy the thing that is the cheapest. But this one furniture can cause such deaseses mentioned above due to

• Uncomfortable posture
• Discomfort in sitting
• Awkward bending position
• Harmful material in the body structure of the chair
• Immovability
• Hard and what not.

Many chairs don’t even last long. They just go inward after first sitting, Many are out dated, have springs coming out, wooden chair’s foams or seat coushions get spoiled or torn out, steel chairs if not treated properly get worn out, further more you will get criticized by your workmates at work sibling or better half at home. Often people are cheated and given a low quality chair in exchange of a high price. These chairs are equivalents to worthless pieces of objects. If you use these chairs it will only increase your visits to doctor and decrease working days. Now you might think not working is a good job. But in reality you must earn to live unless you are maker of your own fortune. Since sitting is the new trend whether you are working or at home relaxing with your loved ones or watching tv you will certainly give well consideration on what and how you are sitting.

Author's Bio: 

Rasel Khan is an internet entrepreneur