This year will be over in a matter of days. Then, 2014 begins.

I would suggest that you take a long and hard look at 2013 (the year that it was, for you). While I realise that some people may say that the past is irrelevant, I strongly believe that the past can teach us a great deal.

So, please look at 2013, and ask yourself the following questions:

• What was my most memorable moment in 2013? – At this point if you are wondering what this question has to do with personal development, I can totally understand that. The most memorable moment for you in 2013 will tell you a lot about your value systems. If you ask yourself – “Why was this moment so memorable for me?”, the answer to that question will tell you something about your value systems. It will tell you what is important to you. Then, please think about how you can create more memorable moments in 2014. It could be something very different to what you may have listed as the answer to this question.

• Did I live according to my values in 2013?– If you are not congruent with your values, then having a sense of fulfilment may not be achieved. Sometimes we compromise our values, to make others happy, or to prevent others from getting upset/angry/hurt. I totally understand that. Having said that, we should always ask if we are living by our values. Did you purposefully allow your behaviours to be driven by your values in 2013? Please think about that. If your values do not drive your behaviours, then someone else will.

• What was my biggest lesson learnt in 2013?– If you look back at the year, what was the biggest lesson that you learnt? I can say with conviction that everyone would’ve learnt something in 2013 that was an important lesson for them. Has that lesson empowered you? Has that lesson given you clarity on something? Has that lesson taught you something about yourself? Please ask all of these questions so that you can learn and grow. Then ask “How will I use this lesson in the future?” Learning something is one thing, applying it is another. So, apply the biggest lesson that you have learnt this year.

• What is the most purposeful and productive thing I did in 2013?– This is a big one! The answer to this question can be different to the answer to the first question (What was my most memorable moment in 2013?). When were you most productive, and acted with a sense of purpose? Please think about that for a moment. Then ask “What drove me to be so purposeful and productive?” The answer to this question will tell you a great deal about yourself and your behaviour. Would you like to be as productive and purposeful in 2014? Or, perhaps be more productive and purposeful in 2014.

• Overall, how I you feel about 2013?– Please refrain from using vague responses to this question. Instead saying “good” or “not so good”, be specific. For example, you could say “2013 was a challenging year for me. I had to overcome some obstacles. Yet, I learnt and I grew as a person during this year.” This question should give you an indication of what you wish to change about the next year. If you feel that there was room for improvement in 2013, then by all means, work on that improvement in 2014. The more you learn, the more you apply, the more you will improve!

Please ask yourself those questions, and then examine the answers that you get. The answers can be used to make you more purposeful and productive in 2014.

These questions are not designed to just take an inventory of the year gone by. These questions are there to help you learn more about yourself, and how you can have a bigger positive impact in 2014!

Quote: "Our actions reflect our character. Our Habits predict our future”. William Arthur Ward

I wish you and yours a very enjoyable Christmas, and all the very best for 2014!

Inspiring you towards your excellence,
Ron Prasad

Author's Bio: 

Ronny Prasad is the author of WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE - simple insights for your inspiration & empowerment ( He is also an inspired speaker who empowers his audience with his enthusiasm and energy. His passion is inspiring and fulfilling lives, and sharing his insights with people around the world. He actively supports animal charities in many countries.