I was recently reminded that a leader is someone who wants to be a part of building something that they cannot build alone. Based on this thought, I will choose to spend my time this New Year making a difference and taking part in something that matters!

In our culture, moving the “difference needle” requires more than just a tweet, motivational poster, or book discount to encourage people to make a difference. It takes more than growing your web traffic or improving your social media interactions with groups of like-minded friends. How can we move the “difference needle” in 2012? Below, I have posed four questions discussing why we would want to make a difference and what difference we could actually make.

Why improve my surroundings? If there is no lasting benefit in doing something for others, why should we bother? After all, shouldn’t we all just look out for ourselves? I don’t know about you, but something inside of me wants to outlive my life here on Earth. There’s something ingrained in me that wants and needs to create value for others. Our culture didn’t instill this need in me. And, I’ve learned that wealth and stuff won’t fill this need, either. The only value that lasts is that which lives on in others. My treasure isn’t in a bank -- it’s in the lives of people.

Why move the “difference needle”? If I wanted to just make a small difference, I’d rather just go golfing or take up another hobby. Besides, it’s not these hobbyists that bring about cultural transformation. Remember, nothing worthwhile in life is ever easy. Moving the “difference needle” and making a true difference in our community will take more than that. As Steve Jobs said, “Let’s make a dent in the universe!”

What kind of difference? The effect you have on the life of another person is either positive or negative. There is no neutral. To make a positive difference, you must create a positive effect. Generally, that means adding value. Others (including your community, organizations, friends, co-workers, and family members) judge your interaction and assign a value to the result and determine whether it was positive or negative. You determine the cost of the interaction while others determine the value of your interactions with them. Look around you. What types of problems face your community?

Who needs your help? Well, this is the sticky part. I don’t want to just help people, in general. I want to help other people who want to help people. Leaders influence others. If leaders create a positive influence, they will affect the next generation of leaders. But if the recipients simply end the relationship there, little has actually changed. Sure, one generation has benefited but, what about our future generations? It’s not just one generation that moves the “difference needle!”

This year, I hope to remove the word, “help” from my vocabulary. I want to banish it like I banished the word, “try.” To very loosely paraphrase Yoda, there is no help…only do.

Author's Bio: 

Mike Henry is the founder and Chief Instigator of The Lead Change Group. Known nationally as a character-based leadership coach and committed leader. Mike's passion is mobilizing people and communities to apply character-based leadership to make a positive difference. To become involved with The Lead Change Group, visit http://leadchangegroup.com.