Throat mucus, or phlegm, can be a result of allergies or a sore throat, but there are numerous reasons for throat mucus, revealing what is going on inside your body. Even when you are healthy, your body is constantly producing mucus – in fact, up to 1.5 liters a day. Most of the time, this mucus drips down the back of your throat without you noticing. But during times of illness, that mucus can clog your throat.

Your body doesn’t necessarily produce more mucus when you’re sick, but the consistency of the mucus changes so you begin to notice it. There are many factors that can change the consistency of mucus, like allergies or milk consumption for some people. Here, we are going to outline some of the many causes of mucus in the throat, so you can identify what’s going on in your body.

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At Bel Marra we are committed to helping people lead healthier lives. We believe the one way to do this is to explore and unearth natural secrets and provide this information so that individuals can support healthy lifestyles.

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