Why you must presell

The most important thing you can do to increase your affiliate commissions is to presell properly.

First, what is preselling? There are two components to it – art & science. The goal is to get your reader prepped to make a purchase. Then you send them to the site that sells what you’ve prepared them for. If you do it well, it’s completely invisible.

Basically, you give them some content. And then refer them to the product website. We’ll get into how to do it correctly in a minute. First, it’s important to understand why we do it. Just a few of the reasons you want to presell.

It helps your reader trust you – And gaining the trust of your readers helps them want to click your links. And the more traffic you can send to the sale page, the more commissions you’ll earn.

It takes your reader out of defense mode – When you’re preselling vs. pitching, you’re reader doesn’t feel the need to be guarded. Unguarded reading means they’re not filtering what you say. So your content get absorbed.

It preps them to buy – Your readers are now receiving your message. And in turn, they’re open to other messages, as well. Like the info on product sales page you’ve linked to. Being open to a sales message is what it means being in a buying mood.

Your commissions go up – You’ve prepped them and referred them in the right state of mind. With a feeling of trust and openness. This dramatically boosts your sales rate!

It boosts customer loyalty – People like to make their own buying decisions. Instead of being manipulated into buying. And this leads to greater satisfaction with the product.

It boosts your profits – A satisfied customer doesn’t ask for a refund. Less refunds means more affiliate money stays in your pocket.

Obviously, it’s important to presell. You earn more commissions. Your customers are happier. It’s a win-win-win!
OK, so how do you do it?

OK, now you understand why it’s so important. So, hopefully you’ve decided to start preselling. You’re ready to learn how to do it properly. As I mentioned earlier, it’s both an art and a science.

The art of preselling

Effective preselling requires gaining your readers trust in order for them to let down their guard. Honestly, the only way to do this is to provide real value in your content. Now, providing enough info to be useful, but still making them want more – that’s the art of it. That is, they have to be wanting more when you refer them to the product sales page for the product you’re trying to sell. And because you’ve gained trust, they’re more receptive to the sales message and more likely to buy.

The science component

You also have to include some very specific things.

First of all, it’s important HOW you present your information. You need to know where you’re going before you begin. Your goal is to sell the product you’re promoting. There are two ways to accomplish this with great content. One way is to give them enough info to whet the appetite, but not enough to satisfy it. The other method is to explain all the details and expose how difficult it is to do what you’re explaining. Either way, the product sales page solves the problem.

But you can’t link to your affiliate link. Instead, you use a direct link to the product website. When you do this, you’re click-throughs go way up. But how will you earn affiliate commissions if you don’t use your affiliate link? This is all part of the science of preselling. You use the “covert cookie” strategy.

Next, you want to make sure you’re linking on related words and phrases. People are used to clicking on hyperlinked words to get information they’re looking for. And if the words you hyperlink relate, your reader will naturally click them for more information.

What you have now is a super powerful system for affiliate marketing success.

OK, here’s the not-so-good news:

Doing all of this right is really hard! Think about everything that goes into crafting an effective preselling article: Good content. First of all, you actually have to write great articles and give value to your readers. Which means you need to be both knowledgable on the subject and capable of writing a high-quality article. Writing to presell. Yes, you must providing useful content. You also have to present the info in a way that provides real value. While at the same time making them want more. The other approach is to reveal a self-evident problem through the information.

Choosing your products. After that you have to figure out which products you want to promote. Even if you get the article written. You’ve wasted all your effort if the product doesn’t sell well.

Techy stuff:

To be most effective you have to use the “covert cookie” method. This is pretty easy – you just make a 1 pixel X 1 pixel image with no border and make the “source” of the image your affiliate link. (But if you mess it up, your referrals won’t be tracked.)


Now you’re armed with the information needed to effectively presell. Using these techniques will increase your affiliate sales by 500% or more! The important thing is to use these techniques for everything you promote as an affiliate. Don’t wait another minute. Make the extra effort required to propel your affiliate business to the next level.

Author's Bio: 

I created http://www.SmartPassive.com to express my opinion on the numerous Making Money Online Products out there and to help people like you to make an informed decision before you fork out the cash for any product or program.

Because there are so many scams on the internet nowadays, it is really difficult to know what actually works.

I’ve cut through all the hype and revealed the facts that will help you decide which Making Money Online Programs are right for you.

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To Your Success,

David McDonough