Coming from the mindset of the Law of Attraction, the source of what you emanate is projected or drawn directly back to you. If that's so, (which it is) doesn't it makes practical sense to get dressed with a grin prior to leaving the house? It turns into a problem of performing the traits of self-confidence; becoming clear concerning that which you want, the capability to acquire it, knowing you are capable of having the things you desire, and being calmly aware that your goal is all in perfect order.

To be in the conscious attracting dating mode, you should vibrationally dress for happiness. To win the dating game, you need to realize it's your choice. You brought it into existence, so choose it to be what you want. Now you're in the mode of going forth with confidence. Empowering yourself with the Law of Attraction is hugely helpful for Relationship Attraction, and is not difficult to grasp.

It would be a great idea to write down what you want as an outcome for your date. Create a little summation of your after-the-fact wonderful date. Write as if the date already happened and you are quite pleased with the result. If you do not have any dating prospects, script a pleasant result from a trip to the library or coffee shop. You are manifesting your entire life through your beliefs and your emotions, so why not become creative and deliberate about it. You could pleasantly surprise yourself. You can manifest your own Law of Attraction Relationships right now and sky-rocket your level of positive energy!

Your enjoyment of life is directly causal to the way you perceive each event, situation, or outcome. It is not always a simple process to realize that how we look at an event is what makes it good or bad. Truly empower yourself by taking 100% responsibility for your happiness and self-expression. No one else has the power to cause you to feel bad or good, for that matter. It is perpetually an inside job. If you need the help of a Law of Attraction Coach, by all means go get support! Using an independent listener to talk to can help you move away from old patterns much more quickly.

Remember, dating is simply a game. Relationships are a game. We play to have fun, to explore and strengthen who we are. Make sure your games are for fun, not to win. Do this and you will perpetually have a perfect experience. I wish you wonderfully fun adventures!

You can learn more secrets to relationship attraction in my FREE VIDEO from the new DVD, “7 Secrets to Find and Keep the Love of Your Dreams.” Just go to

Author's Bio: 

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at

You CAN have the Relationship of your Dreams! Download Nanette's latest FREE Video on the #1 Secret to find and keep the love of your dreams.