Oooh it's been a struggle to write this today

Then I had a thought pop in, just start exploring that on screen.

Why am I struggling? It's not that I don't want to write an article, it's not that I don't want to give good content, it's not that I haven't got the knowledge, information, and skills to share, so what is it?
Am I procrastinating?

And as I write this I feel like what's her name ...... Carrie, on Sex in the City!! You know where you see her typing on the screeen ...... so what DO single women want in New York? LOL!!

OK back to me and my life and you! ..... So what stops us when we are blocked? And what to do?

I actually know the answer to this. My creativity is blocked (or perhaps it's past tense since I am now in the flow! Yes, it's definitely past tense!! )

It was blocked because I was actually thinking and trying too hard. I'd actually spent a couple of hours during the day starting articles and stopping, looking at old articles to use, looking at stuff in my “valuable tips” folder and “marketing stuff” folder, and all to no avail. Nothing felt right.

I was getting more and more tense, watching the clock and the deadline (my self imposed deadline) getting closer and closer.

It's really very ironical, as I write this and let it flow and be totally honest and authentic and let you in on one of my dirty little secrets, I am smiling and thoroughly enjoying the process. Yes, I am confessing and it feels great :-)

I advocate authenticity, and yet here I am, wanting to do the best I can, worrying about not giving you the best original material I can, shuffling around notes I've taken on other people's seminars to share with you, and all along, today's article was about being totally authentic and sharing my struggle with you!

How easy is that? And guess what? That's exactly part of what I've got prepared to share with you in my teleclass tonight too, be authentic. Your ideal clients don't want to know the projected you, the persona you think you must be to be perceived as to be the expert in your field.

There are plenty of experts out there. What makes you different is YOU. All your idiosyncrasies, your unique way of talking, writing, speaking, doing and BEING. Your tribe want to know you, the real you, with all your imperfections.

People buy from people. And people aren't stupid. They can spot a fake a mile off and will be totally turned off by that too. And if they aren't turned off by it, and you value authenticity, then they are just not going to be the right fit for you anyway.

So if you value authenticity and want to attract your ideal clients to you, you know the ones that you absolutely adore working with, the ones that you could spend hours with even if they didn't pay you, well be who you really are and share that with them, warts and all.

And those that don't like it, will self select themselves right out of your community, and isn't that the idea? You want to work with your ideal clients, those that resonate with you. And actually, if truth be known, they are the people who are going to receive the deepest transformation possible from working with you.

And you also want it to be as effortless as possible. Be you, let your creativity flow and share it with your tribe. Where's the effort in that?

Author's Bio: 

Sheela Masand was a co-founder and working partner of a multi million Euro business for over 12 years. Having worked through the struggle of how to find clients and make money in her own business, she now specializes in helping other heart-centred service professionals to do just that, all in a very authentic, non sales-y way.

Sheela can help you to attract more clients and make more money in a fun and authentic way. Visit to pick up a special free gift “Top 3 Secrets to Attracting Clients without Spending a Cent”.