Have you ever noticed young girls at play? They tend to nurture their dolls like little mommies. They carry their “babies” around like prized possessions, dressing and redressing them, feeding them, “teaching” them, rocking them to sleep and even singing to them at times. It is a wondrous site to see. And for many women, this is the ideal vision in life: to have a career, marriage, children…the whole nine yards. We want it all!

But for some women, the transition from childhood to parenthood does not come so easily. The idea of pregnancy coupled with the thoughts of caring for a small, helpless infant can be frightful and filled with anxiety. It is nerve-wrecking to women in some cases – especially if she is working in a high-pressure career where she has deadlines to meet, daily conferences and monthly business travels. How does the little mommy inside transform the anxiety of potential parenthood into a natural state of harmony for all parties concerned?

The initial step to freeing the little mommy inside you is to decide first if motherhood is something that you really want. Not all women are molded to be moms – and that is perfectly fine. There are no judgments to be made, only personal choices that are right for you and your situation. If you are in a serious relationship and you and your significant other have decided to move toward the next step of having a child (or if you have personally decided to have a child on your own), then you need to rise above your professional circumstance and own the goal that you want to achieve. When you choose to become a mom, it is a big step so you must create balance in your life in order that you and baby can grow in harmony.

“I want to have a child but I am unsure how I am going to handle juggling work and family.” That is probably one of the most commonly asked questions career women ask themselves when debating whether or not to have a child. It is okay to ask that question. It is perfectly normal and not an uncommon fear at all. Luckily, many women have taken the leap and have fit quite nicely in their new dual roles. The one thing that you can be certain about is that when you do bring a new life into the world, he will be sure to love you. And when that love is reciprocated, the bonds of mother and child are inseparable – whether you are at work or at home, baby will know you are never far from his heart.

Another way to look at parenthood as well is as an opportunity to rise up and expand your legacy in life rather than as a challenge. This is one of the bigger issues on which women tend to dwell. “Raising a family and working can be quite the challenge.” If you tell yourself that enough, it will become more of a task and chore, and no longer will it be enjoyable or worthwhile. But if you tell yourself, “Raising a family and working has broadened my horizons and blessed me in so many ways,” you are linking your position with a sense of satisfaction and connectivity to the world around you. It truly is all in the perception of what you envision your role to be. Yes, you can bring the little mommy out in you if you choose to do so and enjoy it whole-heartedly whilst reaping the rewards of a gratifying career.

The Baby Whisperer Vol 11: Little Mommies and Careers
By Joan Marie Whelan The Baby Whisperer

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Author's Bio: 

Intuitive Life Mastery Coach and THE BABY WHISPERER WITH JOAN MARIE ™, Joan Marie Whelan, brings the art of heart and soul bonding to the lives of parents and children, pre-conception - in vitro and beyond! Learn more here: The Baby Whisperer with Joan Marie