Just like anything else in the world, the internet can be a dangerous place- especially for kids. As a parent, there are multiple risks associated with your kid going on the internet. Ranging from anything like cyberbullying to online predators, these are dangers that many parents are not familiar with. Here is a list of a few of the biggest internet dangers.

Online Predators

This is probably the most threatening part to our children’s physical being. Unfortunately, the risk of them getting to our children is greater now than ever before. We all want to make sure our kids don’t become victims, but avoiding online predators can be a bit tricky. A shocking statistic is that nearly one in five teenagers have received unwanted sexual solicitation just by browsing the web. Your teenager may be one of those kids, so here are some tips to protect them:

  • Make sure they are aware of the dangers of online predators.
  • Set cell phone usage rules when they first get their phones.
  • Urge them to keep their social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to name a few) on private.
  • Tell them not to message or accept requests from people they don’t know.

Here are some things to watch for if you think they may be involved with one:

  • They are quickly switching screens when you are nearby.
  • You find pornography on their device.
  • They are sending and receiving texts and calls from unknown numbers.
  • They are spending more time on the internet and devices than usual.


Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines cyberbullying as “the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (such as a student) often done anonymously.” Many parents are very unfamiliar with this type of bullying simply because they did not have the devices when they were younger. What is so different with online bullying is that no one can really intervene. There is no one to censor the hateful things that are being spewed, and this type of bullying is probably easier to continue doing than regular bullying. Cyber bullies can’t see the reaction of their victims, so they may continue bullying without remorse. Here are some tips to prevent or stop cyberbullying:

  • Encourage your children to keep their social media accounts on private.
  • Do not let anyone unknown message your kids.
  • Know what sites they are visiting and what type of social media accounts they have.

If cyber bullies are already trying to affect your kids, here are some tips to stop them.

  • Urge them not to respond or retaliate; it only feeds fuel to the fire.
  • Save their hateful messages for evidence.
  • Have them show these messages to a person of authority.
  • Block and report the cyber bullies on your kids’ accounts.
  • If they still continue cyberbullying through other methods, consider deleting your kids’ accounts and making new ones.

The Risk of a Damaged Reputation

Anything and everything can be posted on the internet nowadays. Cameras, phones, and the internet can allow kids to damage their own lives. Many teenagers have posted pictures that they would later regret in life. CNBC even states that 18% of all companies have fired employees for something they have posted on social media. Many teenagers are also concerned with getting into colleges, and their social media accounts may serve to their detriment. Kaplan, a test preparation company, claimed that 31% of colleges look at their applicants’ social media accounts and that 12% of applicants were rejected because of their social media accounts. Here are some tips for your children not to risk their reputations on social media.

  • Follow your children’s accounts on social media and make sure they are not posting anything appropriate.
  • Tell them a post is forever. Even if they delete it, the pictures may be found online eventually.
  • Talk to your kids about consequences. Make sure they are not posting things like them drinking alcohol underage.

Overall, the internet is a wonderful but dangerous place. It gives more access to information than ever before, but that does not mean it is an entirely good thing. Children can hurt themselves on social media by their posts. Others can bully kids and damage their psyches. Online predators can even pose as a significant danger to kids. Parents, make sure kids are aware of these dangers, and encourage them to stay safe.

Author's Bio: 

KidGuard's sole mission is to protect your children online. Our team spends every waking hour thinking about how to bring awareness and inspire solutions on issues of cyber bullying, online predators, teen suicide, and childhood depression in the age of technology. KidGuard employs a team of researchers and writers to educate parents on solutions to digital parenting problems and also runs a popular child cell phone monitoring software to allow parents to stay involved in their child's life online.