We play a great role on the stage of life and we are not the creators of the role— we are the actors.

God, the Universe, and Great Spirit has written a long play. He is the writer of the book and has given us a beautiful gift by allowing us to play a small part in His wonderful play called life. Every single line of action, words, and interplay of all the parts in the play are written by God. He is also the producer who makes it possible for the play to go on.

God directs the play, He alone decides who will stand here or there. The great director of life decides how we play our part, when we say our lines, and when we exit the play. He decides the tone we use, the dress we wear, and even all the decorations on the set. And it’s important that we do our part with excitement in our voice. The more excited and lovingly we play or part the more applause we get from the audience—God. The more we let go of all the distractions and play our part with enthusiasm the more applause we gather from Him. Thus the more we concentrate on our role and do our duty with love the better the play. Thus the more we move up the ranks to greater roles yet to come. Thus the producer and director of the play are impressed, and more powerful roles in new productions are pointed in our direction.

If we do well in this production we have right now, in the next production we may even play a great avatar who has let go of all greed, ego, lust, and envy. Thus we become One with the Great Producer. But all of this depends upon the director, for He alone knows all the aspects of this play put together for the uplifting of all souls. He alone knows how every actor should make his way through the theater of life. And He alone knows how the acting career of every soul will blossom according to His plan.

Thus it’s important to play our part with great love— because as it’s been said in all the great spiritual texts—- “This is But a Dream”.

So play your part— play it well, be happy, — fill your part with love— and know that greater roles will come your way.

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 30 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at  www.paulhaider.com feel free to contact him anytime.
Here is a short video bio - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK6Eg-xlX3U