In human history, quite a few historical eras have produced their distinctive marks in several fields of human information and culture. Couple of, on the other hand, have left an all-encompassing influence that spans varied fields, including philosophy, arts, culture, politics, and warfare. One such civilization, arguably by far the most influential of all, is Greek civilization. This era conjures up images of gods and goddesses (even Athena herself clad in a Trojan helmet), philosophers and scholars, as well as magnificent buildings whose architectural styles are still studied and admired to this very day. The so-called classical period in Greek civilization was during the 5th century BC to roughly 330 BC, which was then followed by the Hellenic era, also called the golden age of Greek civilization. Let us take a look at the significant contributions of the ancient Greek culture produced during this period.


When it comes to the arts, Greek culture has several contributions, specifically inside the fields of architecture and sculpture. Apart from being identified for the iconic Trojan helmet, this culture is also identified for its distinct architectural styles which are classified into three kinds: Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian. The famous example, and for a lot of, the pinnacle of Greek architecture may be the Parthenon, the grand temple built for the warrior goddess, Pallas Athena. In ancient Greece, temples including this one play an essential role in society because they are utilized as places of worship also as symbols of social pride and power, a lot like a structural celebration of the victories of ancient Greeks. Other examples contain the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, the Erechtheum, along with the Temple of Athena Nike

Meanwhile, an additional major contribution of the ancient Greeks are the sculptures. A great deal of what we know about their sculptures come within the typical form of a soldier wearing the widely recognized Trojan helmet. Such sculptures were frequent in the time, and portrayed much more fluid lines and forms compared with the stiff forms of their Byzantinian-era counterparts. Sculptures in the time employed to be created of marble or bronze, to name a couple.


Yet another major contribution of ancient Greek culture lies in the art of warfare. Given that there were several city-states at that time (e.g., Athens, Thebes, Corinth, and Sparta), all of whom had been vying for power or defending their own lands from intruders, the ancient Greeks have been able to fantastic the art of warfare. In reality, numerous of the tools employed in the course of these times, which includes spears, shields, armors, and the distinct Trojan helmet, have all come to symbolize war even at present. Subsequent civilizations have emulated a lot of tactics and strategies employed by the Greeks and have adapted these into their very own. In addition, several tools and instruments had been also adapted, like the viking helmet employed by the Vikings who will also come to be known for their great battle abilities.

The legacy of ancient Greek civilization is not just limited to the arts and warfare, quite a few other influences of the culture can still be felt as much as modern times, for instance inside the fields of politics, science and mathematics, philosophy, and so on.

Author's Bio: 

Greg Glaser is passionate in writing about Ancient Armors.For more tips and information in trojan helmet and viking helmet, please visit him online.