Think about this for a moment:
Getting rid of acne isn’t as easy as it sounds. No matter what you do or what you use, your pimples just seem to grow redder and angrier.

Frustrating, right?

You see, treating acne isn’t just about using products. Although that can certainly help, you shouldn’t rely solely on that method to stop your breakouts.

The reason is simple.
There are things in your environment and even your habits that can affect the way your skin reacts. If you don’t eliminate or change these things, you’re not likely to see your skin improving anytime soon.

One good example is your diet.
You may not realize it but what you eat daily can trigger skin breakouts. Foods high in sugar can increase your insulin level. This, as a result, sends your sebaceous glands into overdrive.

The more sebum these glands produce, the more acne you’ll get.
Dairy foods are acne culprits, too. Cheese and milk contain hormones and inflammatory components that can clog your pores.

In addition to your diet, stress is also something you should avoid or limit when you have acne-prone skin.
You see, when you are under a lot of stress, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. It lowers your immune system, making you and your skin more vulnerable to acne-causing bacteria.

Having too much cortisol can also throw off your hormone balance, triggering breakouts.
And here’s the interesting part.

You can also get acne from the same products you are using to avoid those nasty bumps on your skin. Crazy, right?
Most acne treatment, like your acne body wash or face cleanser, can leave the skin dry, taut and dehydrated. And if you don’t follow up with a good moisturizer, you’re just making things worse.

Skin that’s dry and tight can send the wrong signal. It creates the impression that it doesn’t have enough moisture to protect itself and carry out its function.

So, what the skin does is
producing more oil than necessary to compensate. This is where more problems happen.
Having too much oil means getting more chances of having clogged pores. You can also end up with dull-looking skin.

Excess sebum can make your skin more favorable for bacteria, too.

But remember this:
Your acne treatment products shouldn’t be the only ones you should pay a closer attention to. Your skincare products can negatively affect your skin as well, particularly those with formulas and ingredients that don’t fit your skin type.

Moisturizers and lotions that are heavy and occlusive can do great damage to your skin. The same goes for products that are loaded with chemicals, parabens, dyes and artificial fragrances.
And if you are dealing with a medical condition or you’re taking supplements and medications, do a research on their side effects. There are medicines and health conditions that can affect the level of hormones in your body and cause zits to form.

Now, if reading all these facts overwhelmed you, check out this amazing infographic to know more about the sneaky causes of acne.

(infographic link:

Author's Bio: 

"Hannah Do is the founder of Thank Your Skin, a beauty blog dedicated to providing honest skin care advice and information. She aspires to help her readers achieve their most beautiful skin by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research. You can find her on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook"