When you think of botox, you think of a cosmetic treatment that improves your skin and makes you look young. Botox is one of the most famous beauty treatments out there and many celebrities have undergone the procedure.

So, what is this procedure doing on a dental website? Is this a mistake? No, not really. Botox can help in dental treatments. Sounds surprising? Read on to find out how.

Not many dentists will tell you about the use of botox in dentistry because not many dentists provide this procedure. However, the scenario seems to be changing as more and more people are now realizing the benefits of botox in the world of dentistry.

Many individuals come to a dentist not to cure pain, but to improve their smiles. This can be done with many procedures including teeth whitening, veneers, and other cosmetic procedures. Now, you can add botox to the list as well.

We live in a world where it is important to look good. The importance of a good smile can’t be overstated. Your smile doesn’t only boosts your confidence but also makes you appear more attractive and friendly. Science has also suggested that people who smile more often tend to be happier due to the chemical changes that happen in the body. Still, many people shy away from smiling due to yellow or stained teeth, crooked teeth or other such issues.

So how is botox linked to dentistry? Certain procedures performed at a dentist largely depend on the overall shape of the mouth or face. For example, if a person undergoes restorative dentistry procedures that change the smile, then the dentist considers how facial treatments like botox – and even dermal fillers – affect the overall result.

Moreover, conditions such as temporomandibular disorders may benefit from botox treatments, however; research on this is ongoing. Some research indicates there is a connection between depression, stress, and periodontal disease.

It is a well-known fact that stress is not good for our overall health, however; only recent studies have shown its impact on your dental health.

So, how is this linked to botox? A study found that people who undergo botox treatment tend to be happier. Now, this depends on how the botox treatment went as not everyone gets their desired results.

Surprisingly, this improved happiness was not linked to the improvement in physical appearance alone. The research found that patients who had undergone other beauty procedures and had visible improvements in their appearance did not experience lower levels of stress.

The research concluded that our emotions are, to an extent, reinforced by our facial expressions. By reducing our ability to frown or scowl, we can be happier. Indirectly, botox can improve our dental health. It is also said to reduce teeth grinding and make it easier to wear night guards.

Dentists have extensive knowledge about your smile and overall esthetics of the face. Dentists are just a few people who are fully trained to perform botox treatment. We at Kirkland Family Dentistry (https://advancedsmiledentalcare.com/) have expert dentists to perform this procedure.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Jonathan Everett received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Washington and completed his undergraduate studies in biochemistry at Washington State University. During this time, Dr. Everett served as both the President of the American Student Dental Association chapter as well as the Student Council Vice President. As a board-member of DentPAC for the Washington State Dental Association, Dr. Everett fought to maintain the quality of dental care provided in Washington State by working with state legislators and advocating for patient-centered dentistry in Olympia. He runs a dental practice with his partner, Kirkland Family Dentistry in Kirkland, WA (https://advancedsmiledentalcare.com/)