It is easy to look at people you see as successful and think that they have something you don’t…

It is also easy to envy them…

To judge them…

Or to put them on a pedestal…

Someone you can always aspire to…

But never quite be…

And yet…

There is no difference between us…

Well, okay, there is a little difference…

But it is not what you think…

It is not that I know a secret strategy you do not…

Everything I do is out there in the open for all to see…

And for any supposed hidden thing, I am always willing to share with my clients…

If there is a difference, it is simply this…


That is it…

And courage is not genetic…

It is not given to some and withheld from others…

It is a simple choice.

A choice to get over the bullshit you tell yourself…

A choice to simply go full pelt after everything you want…

A choice to admit what you want…

A choice to stop downplaying it…

A choice to stay on the narrow path regardless of the obstacles you face…

A choice to believe in yourself and your desires enough to make them happen…

Just a choice.

Yes, you can tell yourself that you don’t know this secret strategy or that other powerful strategy…

But the truth is, there is nothing you cannot learn…

The chances are, you even KNOW the strategy…

But maybe, you had to invest some money in advertising in order to make it work…

And you held back from putting your money where your mouth was…

Because you CHOSE not to be brave…

Or maybe, you had the opportunity to work with that coach, like I did…

And we BOTH did not have the money…

But I went and found it because I chose to believe in myself…

And you CHOSE to believe in the fear…

You said silly things like…

“It is a scam!”

“If it was all that great, they should give it to me for free and I can pay them after the fact”

“I don’t know how to get the money for that”

And so, you let the opportunity go…

You did not realise something…

The person you become, just by finding the money to invest in yourself…

Is braver…

More able to do the work that must be done…

To get the results you want…

And you forget that…

The lessons you learn, EVEN IF IT IS A SCAM…

Will never be taken away from you…

And they will go on to make you the brave person who impacts more people…

And creates more wealth…

So, maybe I lied…

There is a difference…

But it is one you have complete control over…

It is bravery, courage…

That is all.

Courage to never excuse yourself…

Courage to never blame anyone else…

Courage to never blame ANYTHING else…

Not the economy…

Not the bank…

Not your business partner…

Not your coach…

Not how much money you have…

Not the colour of your skin…

Not some illness…

Not how much time you think you don’t have…

Not your family

No one, nothing…

Courage to take full responsibility…

For every result you are experiencing…

And to see that it gives you incredible power…

Because if you created this circumstance…

You can create a more appealing different one…

You can just CHOOSE TO DO IT!

And never back down from that decision.

You can do whatever it takes…

To find the time…

To find the money…


To learn what the work is…

To tap into intuition

To come up with ideas…

To act on them…

To be BRAVE!

To ignore the opinions of people who do not think it is possible…

To put yourself in an environment where you are surrounded by go-getters…

To stop listening to your own nonsense…

To BELIEVE in Yourself…

To know that your vision is your permission…

To be that person you look up to…

To stop being envious…

Because everything we have, you can have too…

Leader, you are born successful…

Life may have tried to bring you down a peg or two…

Life may have tried to tell you to limit your dreams

And to be happy with ‘just enough’…

But you dream of more…

Of impacting more people…

Of being free to work at what you love…

Of living more of a first class life…

Of creating an abundance of wealth for you, for yours, for your community…

Simply choose to be brave.

That is all.

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to…

You really do want to…

And you can have it all…

So why the heck not?!

PS – $10k per month in 120 days?

Would you like that?

Will you be brave enough to get it?

To work with me?

One on One…

To make it so?

Calling 3 brave souls…

Are you one of them?

Ready to stop playing the comfortable, small game…

And instead step onto the fast lane…

You know you are good at what you do…

You know that what you have can help people…

You want to do it on a larger scale…


Let’s do this…

Get in touch.

PM me.

Serious people only.

(And if you have been in touch already, I wil get back to you, I have been deluged with messages)

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online