Many people enjoy a morning workout. First thing in the morning people start doing some type of home fitness plan. The home fitness plan can be as basic as going for a morning walk around the neighborhood.

I want to give you three morning workouts you can do right from home without having to drive to the local gym.

#1 Use The Outdoors

Right out your front door can be your gym. As I stated in the beginning of the article a simple walk around the block can be an excellent home fitness plan. I like to walk for about 20 to 30 minutes, which ends up being about 1 mile of total distance.

I do my morning walk every morning after I get up and before I take my morning shower. I just put on a ball cap so I do not have to worry about my hair and I hit the pavement.

To change up my routine every other day I jog. I still go the same time, but I do interval training during the 20 to 30 minutes. I walk for one minute then I jog the next minute. I continue to do this rotation until I completed my time.

Here's one final tip for using the neighborhood. Do not go the route each and everyday because you will get bored so go different directions or use different streets.

#2 Morning Stretches

Doing stretches first thing in the morning is another home fitness plan you can do easily. I would purchase one of those yoga mats because carpeting may not be that supportive or uncomfortable.

One basic stretch I like to do is a full trunk turn. Just stand with your hands on your hips and turn your hips side to side. I like to do about 15 to 20 trunk turns before I start my morning walk or jog.

A second stretch would be the camel and cat stretch. What you do is get down on your knees with arms on floor also. Now think like a camel and push your back up. Hold this position for about 5 seconds. Next think like a cat and lower back like your pushing your stomach towards the ground. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this stretch 5 to 10 times.

This one really helps stretch out your back. I like to do this one if my back is tight after a workout.

#3 Use Home Fitness DVD

Yes, the good old workout DVD is a perfect year round home fitness plan. You do not have to leave the comfort of your own home for simple and effective workout. There is plenty of fitness DVDs available from Jillian Michaels to Denise Austin to using Zumba. All are excellent fitness workouts anyone can do.

Using DVDs are great since you can change your fitness routine periodically. In the past when I used fitness DVDs I change every month until I built up a good library to rotate every two weeks.

If you noticed all these home fitness plans had one thing in common: Inexpensive to set up. The only fitness plan with an actual regular cost would be the home fitness DVD plan. However, the cost would only be about $10 to $40 a month or less than the cost of a gym membership. So for less than most gym memberships you can purchase some of the best home fitness DVDs.

The other two have minimal costs associated like a new pair of tennis shoes or a yoga mat.

Take the time each day to set aside 20 to 30 minutes of some type of home fitness because you will feel better once you are done.

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