Hi there everyone!!

Having participated in hundreds of personal development programs all around the world over the last twenty years, I’m often confronted with the question, “which one is the best”?

The accurate answer is that it depends on what you want, your financial resources, your time resources, and your overall commitment.

Nevertheless, I have rated the Top 9 personal development programs based on what I feel makes the biggest difference for most people in the shortest amount of time. In this list, you may be surprised by the spectrum of what I consider a personal development program.

9. Cashflow 101 Game

It’s a board game based on the teachings of Robert Kiyosaki. My financial understanding was revolutionized first through his book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. However, actually playing the game with real-life people made all the difference for me. It’s fun to be out of the rat-race.

8. Outward Bound Wilderness School

Many weekend programs are great because they provide an environment of experiential learning. However, that environment is usually artificially created or simulated, whether it is a fire-walk, martial arts, or even a ropes course. There’s nothing more exhilarating than being on a side of a mountain thousands of feet high, relying on yourself and your team to make sure you don’t die.

7. Sterling Institute of Relationships

Relationships are the juice of life, and mastering them specifically is essential. Unlike other programs, this is really driven by a men’s movement and a women’s movement that facilitate the growth and evolution of the teachings.

6. The Meeting House

Religious people are afraid of hell, and spiritual people have already been through it. But spirituality can’t happen in isolation which is why community is so important. The Meeting House is a church for people who are not into church, and provides a modernized environment with examples from popular music, movies, and culture.

5. Network Marketing

Some people would never have been exposed to personal development if it wasn’t for the network marketing industry. Every successful network marketing company has a HUGE component of personal development -- which all the leaders feel was absolutely necessary for their success. While some people may not make money in network marketing, many of them get tremendous value through their personal development programs.

4. Toastmasters International

Public speaking is the number one fear most people have, and yet it is the number one ability that can affect our professional life. Toastmasters spans over 13,000 clubs in 115 countries. Since 1924, it has helped people of all backgrounds become more confident in front of an audience.

3. The Millionaire Mind

What makes this top the list is T. Harv Eker’s aggressive business model of offering full weekend courses essentially for FREE. The value obtained in his programs have helped cause many people to become financially free. Today, having no money is no excuse.

2. Notes from a Friend

In the marketing of so many books and courses, we are given so much content and promised so many extra bonuses that it becomes overwhelming. Don’t you just want the goods, without all the story, background, and explanations? That’s what I feel Anthony Robbins’ unpublicized book, “Notes from a Friend” provides. This could be the manual for how to use the human brain.

1. The Landmark Forum

In just a weekend, so many people have become conscious of their own inner voice and have taken control of their lives. I love meeting, socializing, and doing business with Landmark Graduates, become they have such an authentic way of communicating, and a high standard of integrity. Imagine being immersed in a community of people who are living the lives they love, and have the tools to help others do the same?

Let’s love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary

P.S. When you are ready to Start a program, read this first.

Author's Bio: 

Let's love the world together... Danish Ahmed is a blind, Pakistani albino. Really, that's who he is. He's an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author of "A Dictionary of Distinctions". He has also created a source document for the truth activist movement which outlines hundreds of solutions to rid the world of war and corruption.

Today Danish produces inspirational entertainment, overrides a multi-million dollar network marketing organization, and is the Leader of the Party for People with Special Needs.

Read more articles in my latest book: Ordinary Sparks of Consciousness, Enlightenment, Transformation & Transcendence.

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