Whenever a serious disease condition strikes, most of us get overwhelmed by the need for finding quick treatment options. For a distressful mental condition that results in panic attacks, it is no different. After all, leave alone experiencing panic attacks, even witnessing such an episode could be traumatic.

Be that as it may, there is a way in which the search for treatment for panic attacks ought to begin. Unless you know more about some of the inherent aspects of this condition, you may know how to overcome panic attacks but you may not be able to understand the full impact of such treatment modalities or be in control of the situation in future.

Treatment for panic attacks: begin where it begins

Some call these anxiety and panic attacks and the name is befitting – since people who are more prone to recurrent feelings of panic and anxiety are most likely to be future victims. Even then, from where do these sudden gripping and disabling feelings originate? What causes panic attacks?

Regarding what causes panic attacks - doctors so long believed that the childhood environment was majorly responsible. Distressful childhood memories including physical and mental trauma, perpetual parental conflict, and poor environmental setup were held responsible for causing mental instability in later years. But researchers have recently discovered various medical and physiological reasons that could be causing such outbursts, namely, a cardiac condition called Mitral Valve Prolapse; hypoglycemia/hypothyroidism; chemical imbalance in the brain; withdrawal of some anti-anxiety drugs, etc.

How to overcome panic attacks: know its arrival

Though panic attacks are known for the suddenness with which it strikes, without any apparent trigger and prior notice, treatment for panic attacks could take a definitive route if you report some of the typical panic attack symptoms when you consult the psychotherapist for treatment. Knowing about the panic attack symptoms also keep you and those around you better prepared, in order to manage the onslaught better.

Some common symptoms that precede a panic attack are: trembling of hands, rapid heartbeats; profuse sweating; congested feeling in the chest; feeling of disorientation; nausea and stomach upset, etc.

Today, it is possible to know in advance if someone is vulnerable to panic attacks by taking a simple and convenient online panic test. A panic test involves answering a set of questions that are aimed to assess your coping ability and also the degree of perceived fears that are entrenched deep within your mind.

Treatment for panic attacks: the right approach

Treatment for panic attacks entirely depend on the duration of the disorder, severity of the present condition, present illnesses and the associated medication that you are on, and of course your present state of health. Some of the proven self help strategies include practicing yoga, deep breathing, mind control exercises, hypnotherapy, etc.

CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is recommended by psychotherapists and this therapy involves imparting adequate training to the victim to confront many of the irrational fears that lurk deep with the mind with the help of confrontation and exposure. Drug therapy entails using anti-anxiety drugs and anti-depressants.

Author's Bio: 

Marc MacDonald is an independent researcher who has spent considerable time and effort in studying and collating information about health-related concerns, specifically focused on sleep and nutrition.

He has written innumerable research reports on particular subjects like somnoplasty, becoming a vegetarian, becoming vegan, panic attack symptoms, deviated nasal septum surgery, snoring remedies, and good night sleep techniques.