Communicable diseases are passed from one person to the other through pathogens such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria. They can be common, chronic diseases like herpes and malaria or short-lived diseases like throat colds. In most cases, the form of treatment required for a particular communicable disease largely depends on both the symptoms and source of the disease. However, the treatment may involve some form of recuperation, rest vaccine or medicine.

Common communicable diseases

There are many common communicable diseases like the flu, and throat colds. These diseases often produce symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, runny nose, fever, nausea, and headache. They can typically be treated with over the counter medication or even adequate rest. Some of the medication for common communicable diseases includes pain relievers such as Tylenol, cough syrups, throat drops and also anti-nausea pills. These common diseases mostly dissipate over the course of weeks or even few days.

Chronic communicable diseases

These diseases are severe and aren't usually spread from one person to the other through airborne pathogens. They can be spread through sexual contact, parasites or the transmission of bodily fluids such as blood. Unlike the common illnesses, these diseases may last for several months or even lifetime. Some examples of these diseases include diphtheria, Lyme disease, hepatitis, and malaria. The treatment for these diseases involves some form of hospitalization, intensive care, prescription medication and intravenous antibiotics.


The most effective way of treating a communicable disease is by getting a vaccine before you get infected. These vaccines work by infecting the body with a weakened strain of a particular disease. The body then produces some antibiotics in order to fight the disease. The antibodies remain in the body system after the weakened strain goes and protects the body from later infections.

There are certain vaccines that are administered once such as the ones for measles, mumps, polio, and whooping cough. Others like flu vaccines should be taken annually.


It is among the most effective way to treat a communicable disease. You can boost your immune system by just incorporating high levels of fruits, vegetables, antihistamines, and antioxidants into your diet. Also, ensure that engage in some form of regular exercise in order to maintain both proper circulation and strength. Drink adequate water and also maintain an adequate rest for your body. Ensure that you properly wash your hands after using the toilet, sneezing, handling uncooked meat, coughing or even touching a dirty surface.

In conclusion, there are some communicable diseases without any cure. For instance, there is no known cure for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and herpes. Simply avoiding sexual contact with infected persons is the only and best way to ensure you don’t become a victim. There are many health issues and medicines at online pharmacies forum that have to be learned to ensure that the communicable diseases are well managed to prevent further spread among other negative impacts to the society. For the well-being of the entire society, further studies in the field need to be taken.

Author's Bio: 

Hey there, I’m Nancy and I’m absolutely in love with food and health blogs. I’m on a mission to share my insider cooking, food and health tips with all of you…