Experiencing mysterious leg pains can be a pretty bewildering experience and sometimes it might seem fruitless to get a diagnosis. But it is essential to find the cause of any pains you have so you can seek proper medical treatment. Chronic or intermittent leg pain can make it difficult to walk, sit, or sleep. Fortunately, physicians can perform many different medical examinations and tests to determine why you have pain in your legs. Below are a few of the most common causes and can help you rule out a diagnosis on your own.


Exercise Soreness

After an intense workout you’ve probably experienced the that lasts for several days. This type of pain is caused by overuse, especially when you aren’t in the best physical condition to begin with. To avoid muscle pain from overuse, make sure to maintain your physical activity on a routine basis. For muscle pain in your legs, you can take pain relievers, or you can enjoy a warm bath to reduce the discomfort. Be sure to warm up properly before working out and to stretch and give yourself gentle massage in areas of the leg that were worked particularly hard.

Blood Clots

A blood clot in your leg can lead to leg pain, and in some cases, even more dangerous conditions. If you have a blood clot, then the limb may feel tingly. When the blood clot dislodges, it can move to your heart or brain, causing a heart attack or stroke. According to Ivein Treatment Center, clots in the leg are typically a sign of Deep Vein Thrombosis and if not treated, could move to the lung. This type of blood clot may occur when you are sitting for long periods of time, so make sure to move your legs while on airplanes, while sitting at a desk, or when standing behind a counter for long periods.

Arthritic Conditions

There are several types of arthritic conditions that cause leg pain. Not only could you have an arthritic knee, hip, or ankle joint, but arthritis can also affect your vertebrae. Arthritic pain can radiate into other areas of your body, making your tendons and muscles ache as well. If you have arthritis, then visit a physician to learn more about the medications required to relieve your pain.

Wear and Tear

Leg pain can develop from simple wear and tear in the knee or other joints. You may have worked in a job that has damaged the cartilage in a joint or perhaps you do a sport where strain on joints is common. When a joint is damaged, you can wear a supportive brace, or a physician may want to replace a joint during a surgical procedure.

Varicose Veins

When you have spider or varicose veins, your legs may feel heavy and achy. This medical condition is caused by having weak valves in the veins of your legs. The bad valves prevent the proper circulation of blood in your legs, leading to pressure that causes twisted and enlarged veins. To reduce the pain in your legs, you can visit a medical specialist to have varicose or spider veins removed.

It is possible to have multiple medical problems that are causing leg pain, and this is a common occurrence as you age. Follow your physician’s advice to overcome leg pain that is disrupting daily living.

Author's Bio: 

Eileen O'Shanassy is a freelance writer and blogger based out of Flagstaff, AZ. She writes on a variety of topics and loves to research and write. She enjoys baking, biking, and kayaking. Check out her Twitter @eileenoshanassy.