Weigh Watchers offered Jennifer Hudson an incentive to lose weight. What is your “why” and where do you start?

If you have been roller coaster dieting for a few years and you are no closer to the weight you desire, the natural weight loss approach could be the alternative you resonate with.

First, a couple of questions: What do you know about how to lose weight? Do you think it is only about reducing calories, minimizing your portions, eating measured meals? If that is the case, then have you heard this said, “I’ve loss the weight but I still feel fat.” You may have experienced this yourself from time to time. Have you encountered women who seemed to be the ideal weight you dream of complaining about being fat?

Every person is different so the approach one selects to lose weight should be looked at in terms of likes and dislikes. Are you a person who feels hungrier after drinking a meal instead of chewing? If so, drinking your meals will not work for you. Plans to lose weight work if you work them. You are never going to stop being bombarded with diet plans because it is big business. In the case of drinking versus chewing, the problem is how long can you go on like that?

What is there to learn about the journey to losing weight? According to Nutritionist Vera Stevens of Abundant Life Health and Fitness Center, anyone looking to lose weight should educate themselves about the causes of weight gain; how to take off the extra weight safely and what you can do to manage your weight, and that education starts with your doctor and a consultation with a Nutritionist.

How do you begin to master the roadblock to lose weight and keep it off? For a moment think about a dancer. Does he/she just walk out on the dance floor and begin to dance? They could but there is more to dancing, and it begins with being taught (educated) in how to do each dance move.

The decision to lose weight begins with education, followed by how much weight you want to lose. Be realistic in setting your weight loss goal. Instead of thinking big, think small: 10, 20, or 30 pounds. If you can reach these smaller amounts successfully, the rest will follow. The “how” is where the frustration often comes, trying to choose a product to help you to meet your goals and this is where most fail. The failures come because there is a system, a habit to work, and everyone around you is doing the opposite of what you are doing and like most people you don’t want to be different.

Your goal should be permanent weight management, not special occasion weight loss madness. Losing weight too fast can be dangerous to your health. It does not give the body and mind time to adjust to the changes. Part of your weight loss education centers around reading labels, becoming aware of good food and bad food, alternatives for cravings, setting a cut off time for evening meals, counting those calories, swapping food preparation techniques and still maintain good taste.

Nutritionist Stevens also suggests your desire to lose weight does not have to come with a price. It can be done with patience and perseverance. Set your weight loss goal, decide with your Nutritionist how you plan to achieve it, with their suggestions, and don’t quit.

Author's Bio: 

Blondie Clayton is a speaker, book publishing coach, web content writer, internet marketer, radio host, blogger; author of several books at Amazon; enjoys providing tips from her personal life experiences in areas of weight loss, money, relationships, book publishing and marriage. More life experience tips at www.knockeddownbutnotout.com