I walked through most of my life feeling unworthy…

Always rebelling against what people wanted me to do because I had this inner voice telling me that it just would not suit me…

Family wanted me to remain a pharmacist instead of go into my own business…


Family wanted me to follow along with traditions that made absolutely no sense to me…


Family wanted me to find a Nigerian dude to marry…


Friends want me to stop talking about sexual freedom and God in the same sentence…


Other peeps get ticked off because I mention God at all!


Family wanted me to remain in a version of Christianity that made no sense to me…


Friends would want to stifle my freedom of speech if I remain in their religious organisation…


Society declares that you cannot make money while singing and showing people how to build business all at the same time…


Friends and family want me to fit into their box so that they can remain friends with me…


Society declares that I must send my children to school to be ‘socialised’ and, dare I say it, brainwashed to be like every other normal person out there…


And lots of other weird contrary things that I do that rile quite a few people up…

And sometimes, I know they mean well…

I know that they think they are doing me a favour by trying to keep me from hell (literally) or keep me from being ostracised by everyone…

They do even want me to prosper… but only in the way that they think is acceptable…

And so, I had to learn from a very early stage that I MUST BELIEVE IN MYSELF!

Because if not, I would just get swept away by every great sounding idea out there…

That could work for the person proposing it but NOT FOR ME!

However, I was shaky in my self-belief for so long…

I would break away from one clique and go find some other one to latch onto until I realised that I just could not abide with their way either…

And with all these cliques, it is always completely their way or please leave…

And so I have had to extricate myself time and time again from cliques that refused to grow with me…

And each time, I have to CHOOSE to believe in myself…

To BELIEVE that I KNOW what is best for me…

To refuse to be cowed by all the threats of dire consequences…

To stay on my path even when the results I hoped for, were not immediately apparent…

I had to choose to believe in me!

And honey, IT IS A CHOICE to believe in yourself, you know?

You do not suddenly get to a certain age and wake up believing in yourself…

What happens is that you get to a certain age and realise that you have wasted all time previous to that age waiting for someone to tell you that you could simply choose to believe in yourself and go full pelt after everything you are meant to be, do, have…

And then you whack yourself upside the head and wonder why you allowed silly, trivial issues take you off path…

And if you are really silly, you then live the rest of your days in regret about all the time you wasted and then proceed to waste more time feeling sorry for yourself and telling yourself you are now too old to do anything!

You don’t have to do that!


And it is a choice you can make now.

Are you fed up yet of living a small existence because you keep feeling guilty about wanting what you want when it just seems so unrealistic?

Feeling guilty for no other reason than the fact that no one around you thinks it is feasible…

Feeling rebellious when you do not conform to their way of doing things…

Honey, why do you think you are supposed to be the same and do all the same stuff as the people in your world?


And choose to believe in yourself, your eccentricities, your weirdnesses…

Your big dreams and visions…


Choose you

Choose you

Choose you repeatedly!



How else are you going to do the work, live out the purpose and calling on your life…

Stop looking for approval from people who are looking for approval too…


Deliberately design the life you are meant to live…

Because you want to!

PS — You need someone in your corner…

Someone who will hold you to your vision…

Someone to have fierce conversations with…

Someone to have gentle but real conversations with when you feel up against the wall..

Someone who has nothing but your agenda in mind when with you…

Right now, you keep looking to normal people to support you and they simply do not know how to…

And in fact, you feel pretty alone trying to uplevel yourself at the moment because no one really gets the way you think and act…

They wonder why you cannot just be normal…


You are a HISTORY MAKER and I invite you to message me now to find out more about the private coaching/mentoring program I offer for entrepreneurial leaders done with playing small and keeping themselves down to appease the people around them…

People done with pretending that they do not have serious questions about their relationships, their religion, and the way they are currently doing business…

People done with spinning wheels but not getting anywhere further…

People who KNOW that they are meant and born for more and are fed up of not getting it…

People who simply want more because they want to live to the fullness of their potential…

If this resonates with you, then send me a message now and I will send all the details to you.

Author's Bio: 

Rosemary Nonny Knight
used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online

Get her freedom book now at