Chhindwara District is situated on Satpura plateau at 1550-3820 feet above the sea level. The District lies between 18 8'- 20 9' E. The arrangements of the plateau varies in altitude from 760-1030 mts. Sillewani-Ghat is situated at Chhindwara- Nagpur road about 32 km away ... Views: 7001
ADHD NEWSLETTER from Patrick J. Hurley
ADHD – Procrastination, the time killer
April 2004 Volume I Issue IV
Statement: My intent in this newsletter is to express as quickly as possible my own beliefs and opinions on matters. I have no ... Views: 2947
How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn't good enough? (I realize advertisers would go broke if this happened, but it's better for you!) Imagine feeling joyful, whole and complete when you look in the mirror at the end of the day.
What if I ... Views: 975
I've got a theory that most beings feel out of control in most areas of their lives. We also feel out of control in most of our daily circumstances.
Do you feel like you must react to what your boss tells you, how much money you have at this moment, how ... Views: 1009
Our circulatory system is made up of a complex web of arteries and veins. Our arteries carry oxygen rich blood to the cells of our bodies, while the veins are designed to pump oxygen poor blood back to the heart. This is accomplished through a series of one-way valves that do not allow blood ... Views: 1464
So it’s been a few months since you made those New Year resolutions and how many are still a daily priority? Probably not many. Why does this happen? Well, I’m here to tell you a few of the most common mistakes made by folks. But first, let’s learn a bit about where this undelivered over ... Views: 4597
As you look back on your life today what would you change? Anything? Everything? Have you lived a passionate adventure or have you been stuck on the birth-school-work-death treadmill?
Many of us have made choices in our lives that have compromised who we are. We do things that are out of ... Views: 4079
The #1 reason you usually only get a temporary fix from motivational programs, self help books and personal coaches is that they focus on your personality. This is the place where inner growth must begin, but it's also got it's limitations. After you ... Views: 1175
Daily meditation is the single greatest and easiest practice you can do to relax, restore your energy and love yourself. To reconnect to your spirit and experience who you truly are, this is the first step, but it will only take you so far.
Many successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Marianne ... Views: 1251
The best-selling book, The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz is an insightful little book with a message that is simple and yet profound. The author invites the reader to adopt a code of conduct that includes four agreements - "Be impeccable With Your Word, "Don't Take Anything Personally, ... Views: 2377
Personal Excellence Mentor and Brainwave Researcher
(c) 2004 All Rights Reserved
Ever had a physical sensation that something wasn’t quite right? Or perhaps an odd feeling that a situation was somehow dangerous?
Or have you had “butterflies” in your stomach just ... Views: 13634
After being a website designer and user since 1996, I'm still seeing people make the same mistakes on their websites. Here's a list of the ones that will drive people away from your site and cause you to lose business (and your reputation as a professional business person).
1. "Under ... Views: 1177
How can you increase your chances of finding a love match?
In this article I describe how simple attitudinal changes can improve your chances of finding and connecting with a mate. In the second part of the article on finding love I tell you where you can go to find a potential love ... Views: 1635
Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist (the glass is half-empty), while Anthony is an optimist (the glass is half-full).
These outlooks influence how they experience similar ... Views: 2783
[This is a follow-up article to last week's issue on asking. If you haven't read it yet, you may want to view on our homepage,]
Does asking really work? Is it "that" simple? Did you try it?
Some people tried it on me! A few subscribers wrote and asked me if I ... Views: 1474
If you ARE looking for that perfect relationship, stop reading this article and do one of two things: (1) Go to one of those websites that promises something like that and be “taken” again, or (2) Brush up on your emotional intelligence skills.
Looking for anything perfect is an ... Views: 4337
I’m sure you’re hearing the term Emotional Intelligence. It’s being talked about a lot these days. For most people there’s an immediate “click”. We recognize it as the missing piece!
It’s like that cartoon of the girl saying, “Oh, I knew I forgot something. My career!” Well, in this case, ... Views: 4427
I’m surprised when some patients and caregivers confuse dementia and Alzheimer’s as one and the same. Each time a family member is suffering from memory loss, the conclusion is always Alzheimer’s. Is it reasonable to label all dementias as Alzheimer’s?
As a clinician, my answer to queries is ... Views: 1274
With the easy access of the Internet, more people arewriting and creating and displaying their art publicly thanever before. As a marketing coach, I receive many questionsabout copyrights – how to get your own, and how to knowabout someone else’s work.
According ... Views: 1012
Few important medicinal plants used by indeginous people of Central India for curing various ailments:
Name of Plant Hindi Name English Name
Acacia arabica Babul Gum Tree
Achyranthes ... Views: 14507
When I ask people the question “Who are you?” I’m usually greeted with silence. People are not sure; in fact, some have never even stopped to think about it. Can you imagine living all your life without knowing who you really are?
Once people recover from the initial surprise of the question ... Views: 2831
It used to be a college education was enough, and then you would learn a few job skills and be on your way. People often stayed in the same job, much less career, for their entire working life.
In today’s fast-paced workplace, the college education is just the beginning, and you must ... Views: 1084
There is a story told by the Zen master Seung Sahn. Many years ago there was a young man living in Korea, and the young man felt that his life was quite empty. So he shaved his head and went up into the mountains to live the life of a monk. He studied diligently for a number of years, but still ... Views: 2702
We were taught all through the 80s and 90s to say, “We” and “Us” before “I”. It was all about giving credit to your peers before yourself. But how were we supposed to stand out above and beyond the rest? You didn’t, and if you did try, you were considered ruthless, untrusting or self ... Views: 1587
Any weakness we may harbor in our present character persists only because we have yet to see how its presence compromises our happiness, but a growing awareness of this interior shakiness changes everything. Our awakening stirs within us a Celestial Character created for the purpose of ... Views: 1347
While some people share their favorite sayings with car bumper stickers there is a horse farmer in North East Florida who shares his own profound quotes by posting signs for thousands of drivers to see on the way to and from work. This past week he posted a sign that said, "Forgiveness is the ... Views: 3785
ADHD NEWSLETTER from Patrick J. Hurley
ADHD & Gambling Addiction- What are the odds?
March 2004 Volume I Issue III
Statement: My intent in this newsletter is to express as quickly as possible my own beliefs and opinions on matters. I have no ... Views: 6268
Trying to firm and tone? Looking for a bathing suit body?
No problem!
If you’re resistance training program isn’t performing for you;there’s a solution. Get back to basics: give your routine a face lift by reviewing these 5 fitness canons.
Canon 1: Always Exhibit Proper Posture
The most ... Views: 978
As I talked with my 85 year old Grandpa Eddy the other night he told me that he still likes mowing his lawn. "I mow the front first. Then I take a break and mow the back. I look at it as a challenge not a chore," he said. Then he added "When mowing my lawn becomes a chore and I have trouble ... Views: 899
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine
March 2003
The issue of pain treatment is an extremely urgent health and socio-economic problem. Pain, in acute, recurrent and chronic forms, is prevalent across age, cultural background, and sex, and ... Views: 9365
Our society defines success primarily around three elements: power, money and fame. Many of you reading this may be saying, “wait a minute –those elements are not the most important things to me.” Success is often intangible. It’s certainly unique to each person. Have you considered how you ... Views: 1664
What's the difference between science and magic? It's our understanding of what makes something happen.
If magic is hocus-pocus, science is simply wellunderstood hocus-pocus. Fire? Solar eclipse? Volcanic eruption? Earthquake? Once we can explain it, it becomes science. But sometimes ... Views: 1373
Setting goals is the easy part -- but sticking with them over the long run can be a major challenge! Some people think that motivation requires will-power and dedication. Actually, staying motivated is all about setting up an environment that is conducive to you accomplishing your goals. Here ... Views: 1808
The shock and disbelief that comes with grief serves a useful purpose. It's God's way of stopping us in our tracks. It's our body's way of saying hold on, don't move. Something important is happening here.
Sometimes, when something's too painful to face, we override the body's system ... Views: 773
Most healing modalities engage just one or two levels of consciousness to support healing: talk therapy works mostly with the mind; energy healing like Reiki works mostly with energy; and many forms of body work focus entirely on physical structures. But the whole person includes all of these ... Views: 1319
The deeper beauty of spring is its process. In winter's last days, as the sun warms the earth, each root and branch awakens to the patterned memory of who it is and what it can be. Life stirs and nature's growth in turn awakens all of us to the glories of being fully alive.
Consciousness ... Views: 1334
Decades ago, I saw a metaphysical movie that wonderfully illustrates the alchemical power of love. In "The Enchanted Cottage," a homely, self-effacing maid and a blind, crippled war hero fall in love. She blossoms into an attractive, self-confident woman and he into a charming, handsome country ... Views: 1142
How strong are you?
I'm not asking if you can carry 150 lbs. of weight. What I'm after is your strength of character. How resilient are you to hang on to your dreams amidst the raging forces of discouragement and criticisms?
There are far too many individuals who never get to experience ... Views: 1013
When someone is mildly depressed, the first remedy that comes to mind: Exercise. In just a few minutes exercise burns off stress hormones and raises endorphin levels (the happiness hormone); now that’s a quick fix. This makes the depressed person feel better, more uplifted and therefore ... Views: 13135
Candida is a yeast-like fungus that is a part of the normal flora in the intestinal tract. When your body is healthy, candida remains in balance with the other friendly bacteria that reside in this region of the body. It only becomes a problem when this balance is disturbed and the candida yeast ... Views: 4517
Some health care professionals believe that candida infects 89% of the US population.
Many Americans don't realize that candidiasis is caused by the overuse and abuse of antibiotics, steroids, NSAIDs and poor dietary habits. By simply following the standard of healthcare in our society and ... Views: 5740
It could be the answer to the prayers of a vast sea of sufferers of eczema and other itchy conditions. When Marilyn Strube caught chickenpox from her toddler daughter, she was told that nothing available would stop the incessant, maddening itch. The one thing that worked wasn't even supposed to ... Views: 1780
As recently as 1974, scientists believed that the immune system was a self-regulating body system outside the realm of conscious control. This belief was strongly questioned after Robert Ader found that the rats in one of his experiments had learned to suppress their own immune systems and were ... Views: 1550
I am living, breathing proof that subliminal tapes work and work well. My law school performance, memory, productivity, self confidence, diet and exercise - all these areas of my life have substantially and significantly improved as a result of my use of subliminal tapes.
Like most people, I ... Views: 5060
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Wonderful - by Gail Pursell Elliott "The Dignity and Respect Lady"
"Sing to me of the wonder
in small achievements
when happiness is a torn kite
dangling in the branches of life."
From the poem "Sing To Me"
1997 Gail Pursell Elliott
One of my dearest friends uses the term 'wonderful' to describe everything from food to actions to people and always with ... Views: 1464
Discussion of an anti-itch therapy that mimics the anti-itch mechanismof UVB light.
Itch is a particularly distressing symptom for millions of patientssuffering from skin ailments. Severe, chronic itch can significantlyreduce the quality of life and scratching can cause skin damage ... Views: 5525
Deadly Sins of Getting the Second Appointment
An excerpt from: “Getting the Second Appointment” by: Anthony Parinello
Have you ever encountered great difficulty getting a second appointment, such as: not getting your calls returned, having meetings cancel at the last minute or worse yet, ... Views: 1101
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and emotional condition that has its origins in a physical and/or mentally traumatic event that occurred anywhere from a few days to several years in the past. PTSD can develop by one overwhelming trauma as in 9/11 or by a series of smaller traumas or ... Views: 1105
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) occur as a result of neurological dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is the newest part of our tri-brain system in evolutionary terms. It is the part of our brain that performs ... Views: 1548