Simply writing on a blog isn't enough to drive business. You have to pay attention to four key areas to have a successful blog: Content, Outreach, Design and Action.
The CODA system is an easy check list for paying attention to what really matters on your business blog. If you aren't getting the kind of results you want from your blog, study each of these areas to find where you can improve and then make the necessary adjustments.
O Is for Outreach
Reaching out to other bloggers in your field is essential if you want to build readership for your own blog. This is a sorely neglected area for many business bloggers, especially those new to blogging.
Most business professionals who start a new blog are overly focused on what they have to say to their potential pool of global readers. They are thinking about broadcasting their messages. While this is important, those new to blogging will quickly realize that their audience is too small.
While blogs work as search engine magnets, and your blog posts will get indexed for all those juicy keywords, you can't just blog and wait for readers to show up. You must stimulate traffic by visiting other blogs where readers are already reading.
Once you find other blogs you like, start commenting on their posts. When you leave helpful and meaningful comments that blog author may visit your blog or even write about you. Other readers and commenters may also come to you.
Effective Comments
Sometimes you just want to say "Right on!" and thank the blogger. Other times, you may point out a flaw in his logic, or a missing piece, or outright disagree. Here are some guidelines:
• Don't market overtly by saying 'visit my blog' or 'check me out' or tell readers they can download your free report
• Include relevant links to other resources, to add to the conversation. When it's your own, however, be careful. It's probably more astute to say something like. "this site offers additional resources on this topic, as does my own."
• Don't spam, of course, by leaving irrelevant comments or self-serving references.
• Always be polite, especially when disagreeing. Respect alternative points of view, even when they appear to be idiotic and stupid. You may have read something wrong, and then you will appear to be the idiot.
• Be real, leave your real email address and name.
• Add something new to the conversation, something the author doesn't know, or forgot, or remind him/her of historical information, etc. or a book, something valuable.
• Be careful when using humor – there are always people who misinterpret
• On the other hand, controversy stimulates the conversation and gets you attention. Don't be afraid to state a strong opinion and stir things up; be prepared to back it up.
How to Find Bloggers You Like
1. set up a Watchlist:
2. Google:
3. Set up Google Alerts for your keywords:
4. The Blog Catalog:
5. Stumble Upon:
7. Blogs by women,
8. IceRocket:
9. Globe of Blogs:
10. BritBlog:
The Blog Squad™ always recommends that business bloggers develop a daily blogging habit: post 2-3 days a week on your own blog, and the other days, spend time reaching out and commenting on other blogs in your field.
Your readership will grow and you'll start getting known in the Blogosphere.
Learn how to get your business found on the Web. Subscribe to The Blog Squad's ezine Savvy eBiz Tips at and get your free white paper on how to overcome The Great Internet Marketing Challenge. Denise Wakeman & Patsi Krakoff are The Blog Squad and can be found online at
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