I believe in the balanced lifestyle. I believe it is important to follow the middle way. This is also known as the straight way or a philosophy of not too much and not too little. In balanced living we act in activities that bring us fully aware of our highest calling or purpose. Our highest purpose is ultimately to love others. You are probably like me and want to better yourself and improve every aspect of yourself and your lifestyle. This lifelong process of continued growth pushes us to reach our full potential. It feels good to create and reach goals. It feels good to get and stay in shape and eat right. It feels good to create abundance and prosperity. It feels good to know in our heart of hearts that we are really doing our best in every area of our life.

In balanced living we are centered and confident in ourselves not out of ego, but out of self-love and self-respect. We humble ourselves and notice our life improves in both material and spiritual forms. We are balanced when we are organized and focused. We will naturally know the next phase of our life and the next step. A balanced mind, body, and soul feels more in sync with the rest of the world.

The best way to begin any change in life is through our own awareness of our thoughts. We also have acceptance and responsibility 100% of everything in our life! This new discipline starts with small changes. Take stock of your own life and list the things you like about yourself and the ones you would like to improve. One way to change is through positive affirmations. Say, “Everyday in every way I am getting better and better!" Try it and make it work for you! You will soon find you have created the motion for change and balance! Good luck and God bless!

Author's Bio: 

My e-mail is RJ_Blake@mindspring.com I work in the jewelry business. My interests include reading, writing, jogging, and positive thinking! Please feel free to e-mail me with feedback on this article! Make it a great day!