By learning, understanding, and applying the Law of Attraction you can easily attain success in any area of your life.

Wealth, health, love and everything else are all profoundly influenced by this powerful universal law whether one is aware of it or not.

Therefore, why not become an expert and utilize it for your own benefit?

We are here to create the life we want and be happy — We can have whatever we desire.

Just by applying some simple laws of science.

It is actually a very simple equation... If you flow against these laws, then you have to struggle to achieve anything! If you flow with these laws, then by nature you enter effortlessness.

More money, vibrant good health, and great relationships are all possible by applying these laws or principles.

This is a Vibrational Universe!

When you can learn to change your vibration so that it attracts the abundance you desire — rather than repels it, your life will change immediately.

It has to, it is law.

Allowing and receiving your good is the part of the creation process that most people have trouble with. It is necessary to be in vibrational harmony with the desire in order to receive it.

By constantly paying attention to the "fact" the desire has not yet appeared in "reality", one vibrates a feeling of "not having" which slows the manisfestation.

Your attention must be on it, not on the lack of it.

You do not receive things so that you can feel good, you have to feel good so that you can receive things.

In order for things to come to you that "make" you feel happy, you must find those feelings of happiness, by imagining you already have those things.

This is a skill that can be devloped with practice.

Remember, try to always keep your attention on what you want as if you already have it.

Belief and Expectation are linked directly to allowing and receiving your good.

By believing and expecting to have your desire you begin to automatically get in vibrational harmony with it. This in turn, is what will allow it to manifest.

Any doubt you might have equals resistance, and resistance is what slows or blocks your receiving.

The degree to which you expect good things indicates your level of allowing and the degree to which you do not expect good things indicates resistance.

Expecting to receive is a necessary step to receiving.

Gratitude and appreciation will attract your desires faster than anything else.

Even if you are not experiencing your desire in so-called "reality" yet, you can still see it in your imagination and be grateful for it.

Once you have imagined or pictured what you want, it already exist, at least on the quantum level.

Feelings of gratitude will raise your vibration and lower your resistance allowing you to attract more of what you want.

A feeling of appreciation for something implies already having it, putting you in vibrational harmony with it and speeding it towards you.

By being grateful for the things you already "have" you raise your vibration and make it easier for everything you want to come to you.

When you are in a mode of appreciation, there is no resistance, and resistance is the only thing that keeps you from having your desires.

Gratitude Seals the Deal!

By Being Happy most or all of the time we raise our vibrational level enableing us to attract more of the things we want.

Do we become happy by getting the things we want or do we get the things we want because we are happy?

We usually run into difficulties by observing our present conditions and harmonizing with them, thereby attracting more of the same.

Law of Attraction states we must be a vibrational match with something before we can receive it.

How do we do this?

By imagining what you want then Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Be happy first and expect to see results. Stay focused on things the way you want them to be rather than the way they
appear to be.

For a more in depth look at these ideas and principles go to

Author's Bio: 

Joe Bradford is a teacher, coach, and writer living near Chapel Hill, NC.