In our daily lives we will often come across people of unquestionable ability and intelligence who waste their talents just jogging along, going through the motions, doing mediocre jobs. They never rise above their lowly positions, nor do they give the impression that they wish to. Theirs seems to be an attitude of sheer apathy, and lack of drive. They lack interest, and saddest of all they lack that great motivator Enthusiasm. It is a tragedy because enthusiasm has sparked off great movements that have changed the course of history. It has taken people from humble beginnings to occupy the most powerful positions in areas such as politics, industry, and entertainment. So let’s see how we can get a bit of the action, by using the immense power of Enthusiasm.


It’s true! Enthusiasm really is contagious – there are very few people who, once in contact with somebody truly enthused, can remain unmoved. Just place one person, determined and aflame with enthusiasm in a mediocre group and it will not be too long before the atmosphere has been energised and the whole company positive and motivated with the same passion. The powerful enthusiastic energy you give out will inspire those around you to become more dynamic, and ultimately, successful.


Enthusiasm means that you should never let a day pass without doing something towards your goals. Once you have made a firm decision, act on it, and make that move to take you a little nearer your objective. Do not scorn your little achievements, and do not feel it isn’t worth the effort, for each and every step forward is valuable. Just keep going and do each day’s task to the best of your ability. Once others see that you are truly enthusiastic and constantly moving ahead, they will be clamouring to help you.


As we go through life we sometimes make mistakes. We make errors of judgement. We all do it, it is part and parcel of being human. The answer is to leave those mistakes in the past, and to remember that no matter how painful those memories are we cannot undo them. We cannot change them, not one iota. Instead, we would do well to look forward to a bright future, and when we make mistakes again, as we will, consider them as a useful part of the learning process. Forget about yesterday, and be enthusiastic about the now, for that is all that really matters. Then forge ahead with the expectation that your success is just around the corner.


Lack of belief in ourselves and in what we are doing is at the root of many problems in life. We know what we want yet we are held back because we think that we don’t have the ability, or the right, to achieve it. It is like a paralysis of the mind that holds us in a grip of fear and reticence. To overcome this crippling attitude we must learn to regard ourselves as worthy and capable, and possessing the potential to reach our objectives and achieve a successful and fulfilling life.


It is stating the obvious here but it is very difficult, maybe impossible, to whip up any enthusiasm about your objective if you know nothing about it. So when you make a decision to do something find out all you can about what it is you really want. Read all you can on the subject, educate yourself and discover all there is to know. Mix with, and learn from, the people who have already achieved success in that sphere. If you set out with only a vague idea of what your goal is, how will you know exactly what it is you are aiming for, and how will you recognise it when you get there.


Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. When setting goals or making decisions use positive language. For example, if your aim is to stop smoking do not say to yourself ‘I am not going to smoke any more’ because the subconscious will focus on the negative aspect of the wording, thus hampering your attempts. Instead say to yourself positively and with conviction ‘From this moment on I am an ex-smoker’, and the subconscious will accept this as the truth. This is a simple point but a very powerful one, as the slightest hint of negativity could cancel out any enthusiasm you have for the task.


Unless you are one hundred per cent committed to your goal, unless you are willing to accept the risks, unless you are willing to accept the changes it will invariably bring, you can never be totally enthusiastic about your goal. The individual who has a burning enthusiasm, has carefully considered the goal, and accepted whatever it takes to get there, even though it may mean relegating or even disposing of other goals on their list. It does take courage to make a commitment to this degree but it has to be done because there is no room for timidity here. Someone once said ‘the winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.’ That is sound advice.


A confident, positive, and enthusiastic attitude is vital to you on your journey to success. You must take care, however, that on your way to the top you do not tread on others’ toes in the process. It would be so easy to generate a great enthusiasm for what you are doing and not consider other people and their feelings. Enthusiasm is contagious as has been explained in another section here, but you want others to feel the same passion about your goals, not alienate them so that they avoid you altogether. Sometimes people may feel that they are being overwhelmed by your enthusiasm, and this can be detrimental to your efforts as you need all the help you can get. So involve others, make them feel needed, and let them know that they are special.


As you head towards your goals you will be bringing into play all sorts of factors such as determination, positive thinking, concentration, and many others. However, the quality you most need to assure yourself of success is that great driving power Enthusiasm. Without this all those fine schemes and goals will be just wishful thinking with the minimum chance of success. One other thing to consider when you reach your goal - there is an old saying ‘no man is an island unto himself’ and thus it is almost certain that others have helped you in some way on your journey to success. If they have, then acknowledge their contribution with a gift of some kind, or maybe a letter of thanks. After all, we all like to be appreciated, and this is a small but meaningful gesture of your gratitude.


We all know that success brings it’s own rewards in various forms. Whether it is financial security, fame, starting a new business, attaining a law degree, indeed it could be anything. But it can be tough going, so while you are striving for your goal it is a good policy to reward yourself now and then along the way. When each sub goal is reached, or any other significant point, reward yourself by buying something you have long wanted, buy a good book, go to see a good film, or take someone special out for a meal. In fact do anything just to spoil yourself – after all you have earned it.


Look upon your life, and everything you do, as a wonderful adventure so make those glorious goals and really go for them. With a burning enthusiasm within you your journey to a richer, fuller life will be one of stimulation and excitement. As a result you will emerge as a stronger, more confident, more mature individual, well equipped to tackle any challenge. Maintained enthusiasm is a dynamic and motivating power, second to none, that if applied with the unbending will to succeed will raise you to greater heights of achievement that you ever thought possible.

Roy Burton

Roy Burton was born in north London, and has been a lifelong student and advocate of self-development. He has contributed self-help articles to several websites, and is currently based in Bedfordshire. He can be contacted with comments or suggestions on


In our daily lives we will often come across people of unquestionable ability and intelligence who waste their talents just jogging along, going through the motions, doing mediocre jobs. They never rise above their lowly positions, nor do they give the impression that they wish to. Theirs seems to be an attitude of sheer apathy, and lack of drive. They lack interest, and saddest of all they lack that great motivator Enthusiasm. It is a tragedy because enthusiasm has sparked off great movements that have changed the course of history. It has taken people from humble beginnings to occupy the most powerful positions in areas such as politics, industry, and entertainment. So let’s see how we can get a bit of the action, by using the immense power of Enthusiasm.


It’s true! Enthusiasm really is contagious – there are very few people who, once in contact with somebody truly enthused, can remain unmoved. Just place one person, determined and aflame with enthusiasm in a mediocre group and it will not be too long before the atmosphere has been energised and the whole company positive and motivated with the same passion. The powerful enthusiastic energy you give out will inspire those around you to become more dynamic, and ultimately, successful.


Enthusiasm means that you should never let a day pass without doing something towards your goals. Once you have made a firm decision, act on it, and make that move to take you a little nearer your objective. Do not scorn your little achievements, and do not feel it isn’t worth the effort, for each and every step forward is valuable. Just keep going and do each day’s task to the best of your ability. Once others see that you are truly enthusiastic and constantly moving ahead, they will be clamouring to help you.


As we go through life we sometimes make mistakes. We make errors of judgement. We all do it, it is part and parcel of being human. The answer is to leave those mistakes in the past, and to remember that no matter how painful those memories are we cannot undo them. We cannot change them, not one iota. Instead, we would do well to look forward to a bright future, and when we make mistakes again, as we will, consider them as a useful part of the learning process. Forget about yesterday, and be enthusiastic about the now, for that is all that really matters. Then forge ahead with the expectation that your success is just around the corner.


Lack of belief in ourselves and in what we are doing is at the root of many problems in life. We know what we want yet we are held back because we think that we don’t have the ability, or the right, to achieve it. It is like a paralysis of the mind that holds us in a grip of fear and reticence. To overcome this crippling attitude we must learn to regard ourselves as worthy and capable, and possessing the potential to reach our objectives and achieve a successful and fulfilling life.


It is stating the obvious here but it is very difficult, maybe impossible, to whip up any enthusiasm about your objective if you know nothing about it. So when you make a decision to do something find out all you can about what it is you really want. Read all you can on the subject, educate yourself and discover all there is to know. Mix with, and learn from, the people who have already achieved success in that sphere. If you set out with only a vague idea of what your goal is, how will you know exactly what it is you are aiming for, and how will you recognise it when you get there.


Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. When setting goals or making decisions use positive language. For example, if your aim is to stop smoking do not say to yourself ‘I am not going to smoke any more’ because the subconscious will focus on the negative aspect of the wording, thus hampering your attempts. Instead say to yourself positively and with conviction ‘From this moment on I am an ex-smoker’, and the subconscious will accept this as the truth. This is a simple point but a very powerful one, as the slightest hint of negativity could cancel out any enthusiasm you have for the task.


Unless you are one hundred per cent committed to your goal, unless you are willing to accept the risks, unless you are willing to accept the changes it will invariably bring, you can never be totally enthusiastic about your goal. The individual who has a burning enthusiasm, has carefully considered the goal, and accepted whatever it takes to get there, even though it may mean relegating or even disposing of other goals on their list. It does take courage to make a commitment to this degree but it has to be done because there is no room for timidity here. Someone once said ‘the winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.’ That is sound advice.


A confident, positive, and enthusiastic attitude is vital to you on your journey to success. You must take care, however, that on your way to the top you do not tread on others’ toes in the process. It would be so easy to generate a great enthusiasm for what you are doing and not consider other people and their feelings. Enthusiasm is contagious as has been explained in another section here, but you want others to feel the same passion about your goals, not alienate them so that they avoid you altogether. Sometimes people may feel that they are being overwhelmed by your enthusiasm, and this can be detrimental to your efforts as you need all the help you can get. So involve others, make them feel needed, and let them know that they are special.


As you head towards your goals you will be bringing into play all sorts of factors such as determination, positive thinking, concentration, and many others. However, the quality you most need to assure yourself of success is that great driving power Enthusiasm. Without this all those fine schemes and goals will be just wishful thinking with the minimum chance of success. One other thing to consider when you reach your goal - there is an old saying ‘no man is an island unto himself’ and thus it is almost certain that others have helped you in some way on your journey to success. If they have, then acknowledge their contribution with a gift of some kind, or maybe a letter of thanks. After all, we all like to be appreciated, and this is a small but meaningful gesture of your gratitude.


We all know that success brings it’s own rewards in various forms. Whether it is financial security, fame, starting a new business, attaining a law degree, indeed it could be anything. But it can be tough going, so while you are striving for your goal it is a good policy to reward yourself now and then along the way. When each sub goal is reached, or any other significant point, reward yourself by buying something you have long wanted, buy a good book, go to see a good film, or take someone special out for a meal. In fact do anything just to spoil yourself – after all you have earned it.


Look upon your life, and everything you do, as a wonderful adventure so make those glorious goals and really go for them. With a burning enthusiasm within you your journey to a richer, fuller life will be one of stimulation and excitement. As a result you will emerge as a stronger, more confident, more mature individual, well equipped to tackle any challenge. Maintained enthusiasm is a dynamic and motivating power, second to none, that if applied with the unbending will to succeed will raise you to greater heights of achievement that you ever thought possible.

Roy Burton

Author's Bio: 

Roy Burton was born in north London, and has been a student and advocate of self-development for many years. He is currently based in Bedfordshire, and would welcome comments and suggestions on