Is there a language that mankind could develop so that we have a common form of communication? Just think of the possibilities.

But wait! Man does, indeed have a common language. The amazing and remarkable thing about this common language it and does go beyond the separate languages we now speak. This common language expresses emotion in a way that is easier to dispatch then you might think. Our physical movement in cooperation with this common language expresses or affirms what we are saying. This results in a unilateral understanding world wide.

There have been times when this common language has transversed the globe and changed our world for the better. Within this language, in many cases, a call to action or perhaps makes all that hear produces a smile. There is an element of sharing that goes beyond our simple and complex language with its induction.

We are not one people in one nation. We are a world of brothers and sisters. Could we by course of study apply this common language to all and unify the world? This common language after all has its own set of vibrations that the entire world understands thus if this is a common factor could other links be found within those vibrations that will enhance our understand of each other?

Are you wondering what this common language is? It is in all its visible simplicity what we all find as an outlet and perhaps inlet to our emotions. We laugh, we cry, we raise up and we mellow our lives with this language.

This language is common to everyone in the world. It is and has been entrenched within our histories from the very beginning of our existence.

As a young man I learned this language. I brought this into my life and as opportunities arose I shared this language with all that would listen. This sharing and understanding brought me so many friends that it is a source of joy in my life. I speak this language every day. It has become a part of me and allowed me to express myself in ways that are becoming clearer with each day.

Can we all learn this common language? Yes, yes, yes! Each of you my every brothers and sisters can and do use it in one form or another. Knowing and understanding that life is vibration and living vibrations with more understanding of what that means gives clarity with the incorporation of this common language. Out very thoughts are vibrations and those vibrations bring all things to our lives.

This surprising thing about this language is the symbols that makeup it base. We have 26 letters in the english language. Cut this in half for the common language. Are you confused and thinking deeply about what is this common language?

At its base I have found that life can be simple of complex. I prefer the simple. I find that God can seem complex or simple. I prefer my God simple and as a result, on both measures, I have little stress.

You see my brothers and sisters we are all soul mates with the common language of............. music. Yes, music is the language of the world.

My good friend and fellow musician Dr. Roy Bernius send me this link that says in music what I am trying to express in the written word:

Author's Bio: 

Tim Ricke speaks only within the arenas that he has personal experience. But then, his unquenchable desire to education himself in so many diverse subjects brings us a speaker and writer that provides outstanding and passionate speeches. His operatically trained voice adds vocal variety and stage presence rarely seen at the lecture. Seldom does he stay behind the lecture. At times he will surprise you with a powerful song to reinforce his message.

College Speaking Brochure College.PDF

He is upfront and out front with as easy relaxing style that draws us in. For 23 years he preformed for charities as “The King”. As a speaker’s coach has found that his own speeches improved by helping other up and coming speakers.

When Tim speaks on business he will astound with his ever flowing stories of his business failures that turned into remarkable successes. His business workshops take those stories that help turn your business into a transformed and profit making machine. Whether it is Slam Dunk Marketing, Sharing his Zero Defect or designing systems he takes your small business to levels of incredible victories again and again. Spend an hour with Tim and bring your notebook. In one hour he will overwhelm you with incredible information about what makes a business succeed and endure. Those systems can be become a duplication process as more units or franchises.

What is his business success? He is a past Entrepreneur of the Year and Florida Businessman of the Year. He began his first business with $13.68 and sold it for $485,000 a few years later. He wrote the software and virtuality every system the company used by getting the best in coaching in the business. He attended the Philip Crosby Quality College and the E-Myth Academy. He learned the genius marketing of Jay Abraham and applied that knowledge for profitable results. - Lou Akins