In the United States, Americans watch close to 4 hours of television per day. Sad but true if you do that math over a lifetime. But hey how do I give up CSI and Dancing with the Stars? According to statistics by the American Association of Advertising Agencies, we actually watch 40 minutes of programming to 20 minutes of commercials per hour which translates into 15 minute viewing sessions (10 of actual program and 5 minutes of commercials). So what does that mean for your training programs? While attending the American Society for Training and Development International Conference in June, held in Atlanta, Georgia, I participated in several sessions on experiential learning techniques and the need to pace training programs to the Television model of training:. A maximum of 10 minutes of content based lecture before actively engaging learners in an application activity. Why? The simple answer to that question is our brains are trained to receive information in a Television Format. Unfortunately, many training programs simply bore people to death, particularly new generations entering the workforce learning with traditional facilitators who like to hear themselves talk and forget the TV rule of information processing. So how do you add TV Timing, WOW! Factor & Audience Interaction?

1) Pay attention to wait time as you’re waiting for your training program to begin----Have a fill in the blank contest with answers to the contest questions linked to learning points posted on flip-charts around the room and have attendees search for clues. Give a prize to the first person who completes the contest.

2) Think of going to the movies and those trivia questions that entertain us while we’re waiting for the movie to begin….Try combining some Hollywood Trivia with trivia related to your training topic. Get them learning content and engaged from the moment they enter the room.

3) Time your Training Program in 10 minute “Beats”. If you’re talking longer than 10 minutes without something happening to engage us—chances are you’ve lost us.

Author's Bio: 

Rosemary Rein, Ph.D is an International Speaker, Author and Business Presentations Coach. She is the Author of “Go Wild! Survival Skills for Business and Life” and “Blueprint for Success” with Dr. Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard. Rosemary has presented “CEO Executive Communications Training” and “Now to WOW!™ Leadership” to the Distinguished YPO-Young President’s Organization. Dr Rein hosts “Go Wild! Go GREAT!™ Now to WOW™” Safaris around the world and at her Retreat Center in Costa Rica.